Browsing by Author Aguilar, Àlex

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Showing results 29 to 48 of 60 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-May-2021Long-term assessment of trace elements in franciscana dolphins from the Río de la Plata estuary and adjacent Atlantic watersGarcia-Garin, Odei; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Vighi, Morgana; Aguilar, Àlex; Valdivia, Meica; González, Enrique M.; Drago, Massimiliano
2014Longer and less overlapping food webs in anthropogenically disturbed marine ecosystems: confirmations from the pastSaporiti, Fabiana; Bearhop, Stuart; Silva, L.; Vales, Damián G.; Zenteno Devaud, Lisette; Crespo, Enrique A.; Aguilar, Àlex; Cardona Pascual, Luis
Mar-2012Massive consumption of gelatinous plankton by Mediterranean apex predatorsCardona Pascual, Luis; Alvarez de Quevedo, Irene; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Aguilar, Àlex
16-Sep-2020Mitochondrial genomics reveals the evolutionary history of the porpoises (Phocoenidae) across the speciation continuumBen Chehida, Yacine; Thumloup, Julie; Schumacher, Cassie; Harkins, Timothy; Aguilar, Àlex; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Ferreira, Marisa; Rojas Bracho, Lorenzo; Robertson, Kelly M.; Taylor, Bárbara L.; Vikingsson, Gísli A.; Weyna, Arthur; Romiguier, Jonathan; Morin, Phillip A.; Fontaine, Michael C.
25-Oct-2018Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web structureDrago, Massimiliano; Franco Trecu, Valentina; Segura, Angel M.; Valdivia, Meica; González, Enrique M.; Aguilar, Àlex; Cardona Pascual, Luis
Oct-2018Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web structure (Raw Data)Drago, Massimiliano; Franco-Trecu, Valentina; Segura, Angel M.; Valdivia, Meica; González, Enrique M.; Aguilar, Àlex; Cardona Pascual, Luis
18-Mar-2021Niche partitioning amongst northwestern Mediterranean cetaceans using stable isotopesBorrell Thió, Assumpció; Gazo i Pérez, Manel; Aguilar, Àlex; Raga, Juan A.; Degollada, Eduard; Gozalbes, Patricia; García-Vernet, Raquel
8-Feb-2016Ontogenetic study of the mechanical properties and architecture of the radius (appendicular bone) of two species of odontocetes Stenella coeruleoalba and Pontoporia blainvillei = Estudio ontogenético de las propiedades mecánicas y la arquitectura en el radio (hueso apendicular) de dos especies de odontocetos Stenella coeruleoalba y Pontoporia blainvilleiAlba Fernández, Carmiña
8-May-2019Organochlorine concentrations in aquatic organisms from different trophic levels of the Sundarban mangrove ecosystem and their implications for human consumptionBorrell Thió, Assumpció; Tornero, Victoria; Bhattacharjee, Dola; Aguilar, Àlex
12-Aug-2011Overfishing of small pelagic fishes increases trophic overlap between immature and mature striped dolphins in the Mediterranean SeaGómez Campos, Encarna; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Forcada i Nogués, Jaume; Aguilar, Àlex
20-Aug-1999Patterns of variability of retinol levels in a harbour porpoise population from an unpolluted environmentBorrell Thió, Assumpció; Cantos, Gemma; Aguilar, Àlex; Lockyer, C. H.; Brouwer, Abraham; Heide-Jorgensenn, M.P.; Jensen, J.; Spenkelink, B.
14-Jan-2016PCB pollution continues to impact populations of orcas and other dolphins in european watersJepson, Paul D.; Deaville, Rob; Barber, Jonathan L.; Aguilar, Àlex; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Murphy, Sinéad; Barry, Jon; Brownlow, Andrew; Barnett, James; Berrow, Simon; Cunningham, Andrew A.; Davison, Nicholas J.; Esteban, Ruth; Ferreira, Marisa; Foote, Andrew D.; Genov, Tilen; Giménez, Joan; Loveridge, Jan; Llavona, Ángela; Martín, Vidal; Maxwell, David L.; Papachlimitzou, Alexandra; Penrose, Rod; Perkins, Matthew W.; Smith, Brian; Stephanis, Renaud de; Tregenza, Nick; Verborgh, Philippe; Fernández, Antonio; Law, Robin J.; Doeschate, Mariel ten
8-Feb-2018Philopatry in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta): beyond the gender paradigmClusa Ferrand, Marcel; Carreras Huergo, Carlos; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Demetropoulos, Andreas; Margaritoulis, Dimitris; Rees, Alan F.; Hamza, Abdulmaula A.; Khalil, Mona; Levy, Yaniv; Turkozan, Oguz; Aguilar, Àlex; Pascual Berniola, Marta
8-Jun-2007Problemas de conservación de la tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) en el MediterráneoCarreras Huergo, Carlos
17-Dec-2004Retinoides como biomarcadores de contaminación en pequeños cetáceosTornero Álvarez, Ma. Victoria
2007Stable C and N isotope concentration in several tissues of the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta from the western Mediterranean and dietary implicationsRevellés Conde, Mónica; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Aguilar, Àlex; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Fernández, Gloria; San Félix, Manu
2014Stable isotopes indicate population structuring in the Southwest Atlantic population of right whales (Eubalaena australis)Vighi, Morgana; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Crespo, Enrique A.; Oliveira, Larissa R.; Simões Lopes, Paulo C.; Flores, Paulo C.; García, Néstor A.; Aguilar, Àlex
6-Dec-2013Stable isotopes provide insight into population structure and segregation in eastern North Atlantic sperm whalesBorrell Thió, Assumpció; Velásquez Vacca, Adriana; Pinela, Ana M.; Kinze, Carl; Lockyer, C. H.; Vighi, Morgana; Aguilar, Àlex
14-Oct-2010Stable isotopes unveil habitat partitioning among the marine mammals off NW Africa and reveal unique trophic niches for two globally threatened species.Pinela, Ana M.; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Aguilar, Àlex
10-Mar-2020Stable oxygen isotopes reveal habitat use by marine mammals in Rio de la Plata estuary and the adjoining Atlantic OceanDrago, Massimiliano; Valdivida, Meica; Bragg, Daniel; González, Enrique M.; Aguilar, Àlex; Cardona Pascual, Luis