Browsing by Author Cardona Pascual, Luis

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Showing results 40 to 54 of 54 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Jan-2018Settlement and post-settlement survival rates of the white seabream (Diplodus sargus) in the western Mediterranean SeaCuadros, Amalia; Basterretxea, Gotzon; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Chemineé, Adrien; Hidalgo, Manuel; Moranta, Jordi
9-Apr-2015Sexual foraging segregation in South American sea lions increases during the pre-breeding period in the La Plata River plumeDrago, Massimiliano; Franco-Trecu, Valentina; Zenteno Devaud, Lisette; Szteren, D.; Crespo, Enrique A.; Riet-Sapriza, Federico G.; Oliveira, L. de; Machado, R.; Inchausti, Pablo; Cardona Pascual, Luis
23-Jan-2018Sporadic nesting reveals long distance colonisation in the philopatric loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)Carreras Huergo, Carlos; Pascual Berniola, Marta; Tomás, Jesús; Marco, A.; Hochscheid, A.; Castillo, Juan José; Parga, Mariluz; Piovano, S.; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Gozalbes, P.
2007Stable C and N isotope concentration in several tissues of the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta from the western Mediterranean and dietary implicationsRevellés Conde, Mónica; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Aguilar, Àlex; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Fernández, Gloria; San Félix, Manu
25-Jan-2016Stable isotopes reveal long-term fidelity to foraging grounds in the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)Drago, Massimiliano; Franco-Trecu, Valentina; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Inchausti, Pablo; Tapia, Washington; Páez-Rosas, Diego
14-Oct-2010Stable isotopes unveil habitat partitioning among the marine mammals off NW Africa and reveal unique trophic niches for two globally threatened species.Pinela, Ana M.; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Aguilar, Àlex
10-Mar-2020Stable oxygen isotopes reveal habitat use by marine mammals in Rio de la Plata estuary and the adjoining Atlantic OceanDrago, Massimiliano; Valdivida, Meica; Bragg, Daniel; González, Enrique M.; Aguilar, Àlex; Cardona Pascual, Luis
9-Mar-2020Stable oxygen isotopes reveal habitat use by marine mammals in the Río de la Plata estuary and adjoining Atlantic Ocean (Raw data)Drago, Massimiliano; Valdivia, Meica; Bragg, Daniel; González, Enrique M.; Aguilar, Àlex; Cardona Pascual, Luis
Sep-2008Tagging reveals limited exchange of immature loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) between regions in the western Mediterranean.Revellés Conde, Mónica; Camiñas, Juan A., 1952-; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Parga, Mariluz; Tomás, Jesús; Aguilar, Àlex; Alegre, Ferran; Raga, Antonio; Bertolero, Albert; Oliver, Guy
27-Dec-2017Temporal consistency of individual trophic specialization in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)Rita, Diego; Drago, Massimiliano; Galiberti, Filippo; Cardona Pascual, Luis
26-Jul-2021The isotopic niche of Atlantic, biting marine mammals and its relationship to skull morphology and body sizeDrago, Massimiliano; Signaroli, Marco; Valdivia, Meica; González, Enrique M.; Borrell Thió, Assumpció; Aguilar, Àlex; Cardona Pascual, Luis
21-Mar-2023Tracking historical changes in the trophic ecology of the green turtle "Chelonia mydas" in the Hawaiian IslandsVelasquez Vacca, Adriana
2022Viral metagenomics reveals persistent as well as dietary acquired viruses in Antarctic fur seals.Martínez-Puchol, Sandra; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Drago, Massimiliano; Gazo i Pérez, Manel; Bofill Mas, Silvia
15-Nov-2021Winter distribution of juvenile and sub-adult male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) along the western Antarctic Peninsula.March Morla, David; Drago, Massimiliano; Gazo i Pérez, Manel; Parga, Mariluz; Rita, Diego; Cardona Pascual, Luis
2014δ15N value does not reflect fasting in mysticetes.Aguilar, Àlex; Giménez, Joan; Goméz Campos, Encarna; Cardona Pascual, Luis; Borrell Thió, Assumpció