Browsing by Author Castellano, Yolanda

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Showing results 12 to 27 of 27 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Jun-2020Gaining insight into the implementation of an e-learning smoking cessation course in Latin American countriesVides-Porras, Ana; Cáceres de León, Paula; Company, Assumpta; Guillen, Olga; Arrien, Martha Alicia; Castellano, Yolanda; Margalef, Mercè; Yantuche, Wandy; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Martínez Martínez, Cristina
1-Jan-2018Impact of an online training program for brief intervention on smoking cessation for health care workers in Bolivia, Guatemala and ParaguayMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Margalef, Mercè; Arrien, Martha Alicia; Sánchez, Claudia; Cáceres de León, Paula; Barnoya, Joaquín; Castellano, Yolanda; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Group of Hospital Coordinators in Fruitful Project
1-May-2018Impact of an online training program in hospital workers' smoking cessation interventions in Bolivia, Guatemala and ParaguayMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Castellano, Yolanda; Company, Assumpta; Guillen, Olga; Margalef, Mercè; Arrien, Martha Alicia; Sánchez, Claudia; Cáceres de León, Paula; Barnoya, Joaquín; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Group of Hospital Coordinators in Fruitful Project
1-Jan-2018Impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios in 27 European Union countries from 2006-2014Feliu, Ariadna; Joossens, Luk; Filippidis, Filippos T.; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Vardavas, Constantine I.; Castellano, Yolanda; Martínez Martínez, Cristina; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
1-Jan-2023ITC EUREST-PLUS Spain: protocol of a prospective longitudinal study of smokers in SpainFu Balboa, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Tigova, Olena; Driezen, Pete; Thompson, Mary E.; Kaai, Susan C.; Quah, Anne C. K.; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Vardavas, Constantine I.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
22-Sep-2021Knowledge, attitudes, and training in tobacco dependence and cessation treatment among nursing strudents in Catalonia (ECTEC study): cross-sectional studyMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Castellano, Yolanda; Laroussy, Kenza; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Baena, Antoni; Margalef, Mercè; Feliu, Ariadna; Aldazabal, Jon; Tigova, Olena; Galimany Masclans, Jordi; Puig Llobet, Montserrat; Moreno Arroyo, M. Carmen; Bueno Brugués, Albert; López Barea, Antonio López; Guydish, Joseph; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
14-Mar-2023Long‐term effectiveness of a nurse‐led smoking cessation clinic at a comprehensive cancer centerMartínez, Cristina; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Riccobene, Anna; Enríquez, Marta; Narváez, Maite; Saura, Judith; Feliu, Ariadna; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
8-Apr-2022Measuring cigarette dependence: A comparison of two scales in two different groups of smokersFu Balboa, Marcela; Carnicer Pont, Dolors; Castellano, Yolanda; Ballbè i Gibernau, Montse; Sureda, Xisca; Raich, Antònia; Martínez Sánchez, Jose; Martínez, Cristina; Baena, Antoni; Riccobene, Anna; Enríquez, Marta; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
17-Jul-2023Passive exposure and perceptions of smoke-free policies in hospital and university campuses among nursing students: A cross-sectional multicenter studyFu Balboa, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Laroussy, Kenza; Baena, Antoni; Margalef, Mercè; Feliu, Ariadna; Galimany Masclans, Jordi; Puig Llobet, Montse; Moreno Arroyo, M. Carmen; Sancho, Raül; Bueno, Albert; López, Antonio; Guydish, Joseph; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Martínez Martínez, Cristina
31-Jan-2019Prevalence and correlates of different smoking bans in homes and cars among smokers in six countries of the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe SurveysFu Balboa, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Tigova, Olena; Kyriakos, Christina N.; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Mons, Ute; Zatoński, Witold; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Agar, Thomas; Quah, Anne C. K.; Trofor, Antigona C.; Demjén, Tibor; Przewoźniak, Krzysztof; Tountas, Yannis; Vardavas, Constantine I.; EUREST-PLUS consortium
21-Oct-2018Secondhand exposure to e-cigarette aerosols among smokers: A cross-sectional study in six European countries of the EUREST-PLUS ITC SurveyTigova, Olena; Amalia, Beladenta; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Nogueira, Sarah O.; Kyriakos, Christina N.; Mons, Ute; Trofor, Antigona C.; Zatoński, Witold; Przewoźniak, Krzysztof; Demjén, Tibor; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Tountas, Yannis; Quah, Anne C. K.; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Vardavas, Constantine I.; EUREST-PLUS consortium
1-Jul-2018Smoking among hospitalized patients: a multi-hospital cross sectional study of a widely neglected problemMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Riccobene, Anna; Fernández-Ortega, Paz; Cabrera Jaime, Sandra; Gavilan, Eva; Feliu, Ariadna; Puig Llobet, Montserrat; Fuster, Pilar; Martínez Sánchez, José M.; Montes, Javier; Estrada Masllorens, Joan Maria; Moreno Arroyo, M. Carmen; Falcó Pegueroles, Anna M. (Anna Marta); Galimany Masclans, Jordi; Brando Garrido, Cecilia; Suñer Soler, Rosa; Capsada, Anna; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Grupo de Coordinadores de la Red Catalana de Hospitales sin Humo (XCHsF)
28-Mar-2019Smoking in public places in six European countries: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe SurveyFu Balboa, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Tigova, Olena; Mons, Ute; Agar, Thomas; Kyriakos, Christina; Trofor, Antigona; Quah, Anne; Fong, Geoffrey; Przewoźniak, Krzysztof; Zatoński, Witold; Demjén, Tibor; Tountas, Yannis; Vardavas, Constantine I.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; EUREST-PLUS consortium
30-Nov-2022Tobacco cessation among smokers under substance use treatment for alcohol and/or cannabis: study protocol and pilot studyFeliu, Ariadna; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Castellano, Yolanda; Enríquez, Marta; Saura, Judith; Cabezas, Carmen; Colom, Joan (Colom Farran); Suelves, Josep M. (Josep Maria); Pla, Margarida; Parejo, Mar; Mondon, Sílvia; Barrio, Pablo; Andreu, Magalí; Raich, Antonia; Bernabeu, Jordi; Vilaplana, Jordi; Roca, Xavier; Bautista, Pablo; Guydish, Joseph; Martínez, Cristina (Martínez González); Miquel, Laia; Bruguera, Pol; Nadal, Karen; Anduaga, Monika; Martínez, Silvia; Pallejà, Beth; Reyes, Rosanna; Surribas, Enrique; Fonseca, Francina; Caterina, Clara; Aranega, Diego; Cabezón, Nuria; Martí, Víctor; Gual, Amalia; Franco, Carolina; Parellada, Delia; Masferrer, Laura; Batllori, Esther; Group of clinicians involved in the recruitment of the study
1-Jan-2018Tobacco consumption prevalence among nursing students and their knowledge in tobacco addiction: ECTEC studyBaena, Antoni; Martínez Martínez, Cristina; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Margalef, Mercè; Gavilan, Eva; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
16-Mar-2023Transitions in smoking status in nursing students: a prospective longitudinal studyLaroussy, Kenza; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Baena, Antoni; Feliu, Ariadna; Peruga, Armando; Margalef, Mercè; Aldazabal, Jon; Tigova, Olena; Galimany Masclans, Jordi; Puig Llobet, Montserrat; Moreno Arroyo, M. Carmen; Bueno Brugués, Albert; López Barea, Antonio López; Roca Llobet, Judith; Saura, Judith; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Martínez Martínez, Cristina