Browsing by Author Espuelas Barroso, Sergio

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Showing results 13 to 32 of 34 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2015Gabriel Tortella Casares (dir.), Leonardo Caruana de las Cagigas, José Luis García Ruiz, Alberto Manzano Martos, Jerònia Pons Pons (2014), Historia del seguro en España, Madrid, Fundación Mapfre, 530 pp.Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2020El gasto familiar en vivienda: Barcelona (1900-2011)Puig Fernández, Alícia
2019George R. Boyer, The winding road to the welfare state. Economic insecurity & social welfare policy in Britain, Princeton and Woodstock, Princeton University Press, 2019, 384 pp. [Ressenya de llibre]Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2016Impacto redistributivo del gasto social en España (1982-1996)García Fuente, Xabier
Feb-2017Jerònia Pons Pons y Margarita Vilar Rodríguez. El seguro de salud privado y público en España. Su análisis en perspectiva históricaEspuelas Barroso, Sergio
2012John Murphy, A decent provision. Australian welfare policy, 1870 to 1949. Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington, 2011 [Ressenya de llibre]Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2013Los obstáculos al desarrollo de los seguros sociales en España antes de 1936: el caso del seguro de desempleoEspuelas Barroso, Sergio
21-Oct-2015Military spending, institutional stability and fiscal capacity. Spain in comparative perspective (1850-2009)Sabaté Domingo, Oriol
1-Sep-2022Military wages and coups d'état in Spain (1850-1915): The use of public spending as a coup-proofing strategySabaté Domingo, Oriol; Espuelas Barroso, Sergio; Herranz Loncán, Alfonso
Dec-2017Political Regime and Public Social Spending in Spain: A Time Series analysis (1850-2000)Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2016Political Regime and Social Spending in Spain: A Time Series Analysis (1850-2000) [WP]Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
Jun-2012Pons Pons, Jerònia i Pons Brías, Ma. Angeles (coord.), Investigaciones históricas sobre el seguro español, fundación Mapfre, MadridEspuelas Barroso, Sergio
Feb-2022Sara Torregrosa Hetland, The Spanish Fiscal Transition. Tax Reform and Inequality in the Late Twentieth Century, Suiza, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, XVIII, 237 pp. [Ressenya de llibre]Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2009Stephan HAGGARD y Robert R. KAUFMAN, Development, Democracy and Welfware States. Latin America, East Asia and Eastern Europe, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2008, 473 pp. [Ressenya de llibre]Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2008The determinants of social spending in Spain (1880-1960): Is Lindert right?Espuelas Barroso, Sergio; Vilar Rodríguez, Margarita
27-Nov-2023The development of family policies in a familist welfare state: the Spanish case, 1900-1958Verd Llabrés, Guillem
May-2015The inequality trap. A comparative analysis of social spending between 1880 and 1930Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2011The inequality trap. A comparative analysis of social spending between 1880 and 1933 [WP]Espuelas Barroso, Sergio
2023The long-term evolution of intergenerational transfers in Spain (1958-2012)Souto Nieves, Guadalupe; Abío, Gemma; Herranz Loncán, Alfonso; Espuelas Barroso, Sergio; Patxot, Concepció
25-Jan-2021The rise of mass education in Colombia in the first half of the twentieth centuryFuentes Vásquez, María José