Browsing by Author Fagella Rabionet, Núria

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 61  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Aug-2020A bound on the number of rationally invisible repelling orbitsBenini, Anna Miriam; Fagella Rabionet, Núria
13-Jun-2015A separation theorem for entire transcendental mapsBenini, Anna Miriam; Fagella Rabionet, Núria
10-Jun-2015Absorbing sets and Baker domains for holomorphic mapsBaranski, Krzysztof; Fagella Rabionet, Núria; Jarque i Ribera, Xavier; Karpinska, Boguslawa
2017Accesses to infinity from Fatou components.Baranski, Krzysztof; Fagella Rabionet, Núria; Jarque i Ribera, Xavier; Karpinska, Boguslawa
2010An entire transcendental family with a persistent Siegel discBerenguel Montoro, Rubén; Fagella Rabionet, Núria
May-2004Asymptotic size of Herman rings of the complex standard family by quantitative quasiconformal surgeryFagella Rabionet, Núria; Martínez-Seara Alonso, M. Teresa; Villanueva Castelltort, Jordi
24-Feb-2023Circle maps and the Arnold familyPascual Roig, Marc
Jul-2019Classification of linear skew-products of the complex plane and an affine route to fractalizationFagella Rabionet, Núria; Jorba i Monte, Àngel; Jorba-Cuscó, Marc; Tatjer i Montaña, Joan Carles
19-Jan-2018Classification of periodic Fatou components for rational mapsFlorido Llinàs, Robert
Aug-2022Classifying simply connected domainsBenini, Anna Miriam; Evdoridou, Vasiliki; Fagella Rabionet, Núria; Rippon, Philip J.; Stallard, Gwyneth M.
28-Jun-2018Complex trees and their families of connected self-similar setsEspigulé Pons, Bernat
13-Jun-2022El conjunt de Mandelbrot: hiperbolicitat i connectivitat localPujol Vidal, Àlex
27-Aug-2018Connectivity of Julia sets of Newton maps: a unified approachBaranski, Krzysztof; Fagella Rabionet, Núria; Jarque i Ribera, Xavier; Karpinska, Boguslawa
22-Sep-2011Connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic functionsTaixés i Ventosa, Jordi
2006Deformations of entire functions with Baker domainsFagella Rabionet, Núria; Henriksen, Christian
27-Jun-2018Dimensió de Hausdorff i sistemes dinàmicsSalla Gras, Robert
24-Jan-2022La dinàmica dels polinomis complexos: The escaping setBlanco Borrás, Rubén
19-Jan-2020Dinàmica simbòlica i aplicacions als sistemes dinàmicsSallent Martínez, Cristina
1-Jun-2017Dynamic rays of bounded-type transcendental self-maps of the punctured planeFagella Rabionet, Núria; Martí-Pete, David
1-Jan-2022Dynamical mechanism behind ghosts unveiled in a map complexificationCanela Sánchez, Jordi; Alsedà i Soler, Lluís; Fagella Rabionet, Núria; Sardanyés i Cayuela, Josep