Browsing by Author Fernández Muñoz, Esteve

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Oct-2023Exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke in private vehicles: Measurements in air and dust samplesContinente, Xavier; Henderson, Elisabet; López González, Laura; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Tigova, Olena; Semple, Sean; O'donnell, Rachel; Navas Acién, Ana; Cortés Francisco, Núria; Ramírez, Noelia; Dobson, Ruaraidh; López, Maria José; Castellano, Yolanda; Fu, Marcela; Ballbè, Montse; Amalia, Beladenta; Tigova, Olena; López, Maria José; Continente, Xavier; Arechavala, Teresa; Henderson, Elisabet; Gallus, Silvano; Lugo, Alessandra; Liu, Xiaoqiu; Borroni, Elisa; Stival, Chiara; Colombo, Paolo; Semple, Sean; O'donnell, Rachel; Dobson, Ruaraidh; Clancy, Luke; Keogan, Sheila; Byrne, Hannah; Behrakis, Panagiotis; Tzortzi, Anna; Vardavas, Constantine; Vyzikidou, Vergina Konstantina; Bakelas, Gerasimos; Mattiampa, George; Boffi, Roberto; Ruprecht, Ario; De Marco, Cinzia; Borgini, Alessandro; Veronese, Chiara; Bertoldi, Martina; Tittarelli, Andrea; Gorini, Giuseppe; Carreras, Giulia; Cortini, Barbara; Verdi, Simona; Lachi, Alessio; Chellini, Elisabetta; López Nicolás, Ángel; Trapero Bertran, Marta; Celdrán Guerrero, Daniel; Radu Loghin, Cornel; Nguyen, Dominick; Starchenko, Polina; Soriano, Joan B.; Ancochea, Julio; Alonso, Tamara; Pastor, María Teresa; Erro, Marta; Roca, Ana; Pérez, Patricia; Castillo, Elena García
1-Aug-2012Exposure to secondhand smoke in terraces and other outdoor areas of hospitality venues in eight European countriesLópez, María José; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Gorini, Giuseppe; Moshammer, Hanns; Polanska, Kinga; Clancy, Luke; Dautzenberg, Bertrand; Delrieu, Agnes; Invernizzi, Giovanni; Muñoz, Glòria; Precioso, Jose; Ruprecht, Ario; Stansty, Peter; Hanke, Wojciech; Nebot, Manel
2015Exposure to secondhand smoke in the home and mental health in children: a population-based studyPadrón, Alicia; Galán, Iñaki; García-Esquinas, E.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Ballbè i Gibernau, Montse; Rodríguez Artalejo, Fernando
17-Jan-2019Extent and correlates of self-reported exposure to tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship in smokers: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe SurveysKahnert, Sarah; Demjén, Tibor; Tountas, Yannis; Trofor, Antigona; Przewoźniak, Krzysztof; Zatoński, Witold; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; McNeill, Ann; Willemsen, Marc; Kyriakos, Christina; Fong, Geoffrey; Vardavas, Constantine I.; Mons, Ute; EUREST-PLUS consortium
1-Jan-2023Face Mask Exemptions, Respiratory Patients, and COVID-19 in Spain. Data From the 2021 ITC EUREST-PLUS Spain SurveySoriano, Joan B.; Fu, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Ancochea, Julio; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
2-Nov-2017Factors associated with implementation of the 5A's smoking cessation modelMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Castellano, Yolanda; Andrés, Ana; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Antón, Laura; Ballbè i Gibernau, Montse; Fernández-Ortega, Paz; Cabrera Jaime, Sandra; Riccobene, Anna; Gavilan, E.; Feliu, Ariadna; Baena, Antoni; Margalef, Mercè; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
2015Factors influencing publication of scientific articles derived from masters theses in public healthHollmann, Malen; Borrell i Thió, Carme; Garín, Olatz; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Alonso, Jordi
7-Dec-2021Factors related to caregivers’ risk perception of secondhand smoke exposure on children’s healthContinente, Xavier G. (Xavier Garcia); Rodriguez Guerrero, Alejandro; Pérez Ríos, Mónica; Schiaffino, Anna; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; López Medina, Maria J.
29-Jun-2020Gaining insight into the implementation of an e-learning smoking cessation course in Latin American countriesVides-Porras, Ana; Cáceres de León, Paula; Company, Assumpta; Guillen, Olga; Arrien, Martha Alicia; Castellano, Yolanda; Margalef, Mercè; Yantuche, Wandy; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Martínez Martínez, Cristina
5-May-2023Hardening determinants among adult daily smokers in nine African countries: Data from the Global Adult Tobacco SurveySreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Feliu, Ariadna
5-Sep-2015High-throughput wide dynamic range procedure for the simultaneous quantification of nicotine and cotinine in multiple biological matrices using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometryPérez Ortuño, Raúl; Martínez Sánchez, José M.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Pascual, José Antonio
21-Sep-2020Hospital Epidemics Tracker (HEpiTracker): Description and pilot study of a mobile app to track COVID-19 in hospital workersSoriano, Joan B.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Astorza, Álvaro de; Pérez de Llano, Luis A.; Fernández Villar, Alberto; Carnicer Pont, Dolors; Alcázar, Bernardino; García, Arturo; Morales, Aurelio; Lobo, María; Maroto, Marcos; Ferreras, Eloy; Soriano, Cecilia; Rio Bermudez, Carlos del; Vega Piris, Lorena; Basagaña, Xavier; Muncunill, Josep; Cosío, Borja G.; Lumbreras, Sara; Catalina, Carlos; Alzaga, José María; Gómez Quilón, David; Valdivia, Carlos Alberto; Lara, Celia de; Ancochea Bermúdez, Julio
1-Feb-2021How widespread is electronic cigarette use in outdoor settings? A field check from the TackSHS project in 11 European countriesAmalia, Beladenta; Rodríguez, Alejandro; Henderson, Elisabet; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Continente, Xavier G. (Xavier Garcia); Tigova, Olena; Semple, Sean; Clancy, Luke; Gallus, Silvano; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; López, Maria J.; TackSHS Project Investigators
27-Nov-2014Impact of a long-term tobacco-free policy at a comprehensive cancer center: a series of cross-sectional surveysMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Martínez Sánchez, Jose M.; Antón, Laura; Fernández-Ortega, Paz; Ballbè i Gibernau, Montse; Andrés, Ana; Riccobene, Anna; Sureda, Xisca; Gallart, Albert; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
1-Jan-2018Impact of an online training program for brief intervention on smoking cessation for health care workers in Bolivia, Guatemala and ParaguayMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Margalef, Mercè; Arrien, Martha Alicia; Sánchez, Claudia; Cáceres de León, Paula; Barnoya, Joaquín; Castellano, Yolanda; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Group of Hospital Coordinators in Fruitful Project
1-May-2018Impact of an online training program in hospital workers' smoking cessation interventions in Bolivia, Guatemala and ParaguayMartínez Martínez, Cristina; Castellano, Yolanda; Company, Assumpta; Guillen, Olga; Margalef, Mercè; Arrien, Martha Alicia; Sánchez, Claudia; Cáceres de León, Paula; Barnoya, Joaquín; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Group of Hospital Coordinators in Fruitful Project
24-Sep-2018Impact of anit-smoking advertising on behalf of health-risk knowledge and quit attempts across 6 European countries from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe SurveyO Nogueira, Sarah; McNeill, Ann; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Kyriakos, Christina N.; Mons, Ute; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Zatoński, Witold; Trofor, Antigona C.; Demjén, Tibor; Tountas, Yannis; Przewoźniak, Krzysztof; Quah, Anne C. K.; Fong, Geoffrey T.; Hitchman, Sara C.; Vardavas, Constantine I.
Sep-2023Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in mortality due to respiratory diseases: A comparative analysis of 2021 and 2020 vs 2019 in Spain.Soriano, Joan B.; Peláez, Adrián; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Ancochea, Julio
27-Feb-2014Impact of the Spanish smoke-free legislation on adult, non-smoker exposure to secondhand smoke: cross-sectional surveys before (2004) and after (2012) legislationSureda, Xisca; Martínez Sánchez, José M.; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Pérez Ortuño, Raúl; Martínez Martínez, Cristina; Carabasa, Esther; López, María José; Saltó i Cerezuela, Esteve; Pascual, José Antonio; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve
2009Impact of the Spanish smoking control law on exposure to second-hand smoke and respiratory health in hospitality workers: a cohort studyFernández Muñoz, Esteve; Fu Balboa, Marcela; Pascual, José Antonio; López, María José; Pérez Rios, Mónica; Schiaffino, Anna; Martínez Sánchez, José M.; Ariza, Carles; Saltó i Cerezuela, Esteve; Nebot, Manel