Browsing by Author Giralt Romeu, Santiago

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Showing results 31 to 50 of 55 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2015Late Holocene vegetation dynamics and deforestation in Rano Aroi: implications for Easter Island's ecological and cultural historyRull del Castillo, Valentí; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Sáez, Alberto; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Giralt Romeu, Santiago
1-Feb-2015Local formation of varved sediments in a karstic collapse depression of Lake Banyoles (NE Spain)Morellón, Mario; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Barreiro-Lostres, Fernando; Ariztegui, Daniel; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Sáez, Alberto; Mata, M. Pilar
1-Jun-2022Long-term hydroclimate variability in the sub-tropical North Atlantic and anthropogenic impacts on lake ecosystems: A case study from Flores Island, the AzoresRichter, Nora; Russel, James M.; Amaral-Zettler, Linda A.; DeGroff, Wylie; Raposeiro, Pedro Miguel; Gonçalves, Vítor; de Boer, Erik J.; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Benavente, Mario; Ritter, Catarina; Sáez, Alberto; Bao Casal, Roberto; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Prego, Ricardo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago
2012Macrofossils in Raraku Lake (Easter Island) integrated with sedimentary and geochemical records towards a palaeoecological synthesis for the last 34,000 yearsCañellas Boltà, Núria; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Sáez, Alberto; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Birks, Hilary H.; Birks, H. J. B. (Harry John Betteley); Pla Rabés, Sergi
2-Jan-2020Modern Analogue Approach Applied to High-Resolution Varved Sediments-A Synthesis for Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees)Vegas Vilarrúbia, Teresa Elena; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Trapote Forné, Mari Carmen; Cao, Min; Rosell-Melé, Antoni; Buchaca Estany, Teresa; Gomà Martínez, Joan; López Laseras, Ma. Pilar; Sigró, Javier; Safont Crespo, Elisabet; Cañellas, Núria; Garcés Pastor, Sandra; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Corella, Juan Pablo; Pérez Zanón, Núria
16-Sep-2016North Atlantic Oscillation imprints in the Central Iberian Peninsula for the last two millennia: from ordination analyses to the Bayesian approachSánchez López, Guiomar
23-Mar-2021On the Origin of saline compounds in acidic salt flats (Central Andean Altiplano)Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Demergasso, Cecilia; Escudero, Lorena; Chong, Guillermo; Corttéz-Rivera, Paulina; Sanjurjo-Sánchez, Jorge; Carmona, Virginia; Giralt Romeu, Santiago
Apr-2010Paleoecology of Easter Island: evidence and uncertaintiesRull del Castillo, Valentí; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Sáez, Alberto; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Margalef Marrasé, Olga
13-Jan-2023Recent global warming induces the coupling of dissimilar long-term sedimentary signatures in two adjacent volcanic lakes (Azores Archipelago, Portugal)Vázquez-Loureiro, David; Sáez, Alberto; Gonçalves, Vítor; Buchaca Estany, Teresa; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Raposeiro, Pedro Migue; de Boer, Erik J.; Masqué, Pere; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Bao Casal, Roberto
19-Jan-2022Reply to Elias et al.: Multiproxy evidence of widespread landscape disturbance in multiple Azorean lakes before the Portuguese arrivalRaposeiro, Pedro Miguel; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Bao Casal, Roberto; Sáez, Alberto; Shanahan, Timothy; Benavente, Mario; de Boer, Erik J.; Richter, Nora; Gordon, Verónica; Marques, Helena; Sousa, Pedro M.; Souto, Martín; Matias, Miguel G.; Aguiar, Nicole; Pereira, Cátia; Ritter, Catarina; Rubio de Inglés, María Jesús; Vázquez-Loureiro, David; Amaral-Zettler, Linda A.; Huang, Yongsong; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline FN; Prego, Ricardo; Ruiz-Fernández, Ana Carolina.; Sánchez-Cabeza, Joan Albert; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Gonçalves, Vítor; Salcedo, Marina; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Costa, Ana Cristina; Masqué, Pere
Sep-2018Revisiting the role of high-energy Pacific events on the environmental and cultural history of Easter Island (Rapa Nui)Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Álvarez Gómez, José A.; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Sáez, Alberto; Geyer Traver, Adelina; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Giralt Romeu, Santiago
Jun-2008The Geology of Chile: Book Review By Teresa Moreno and Wes Gibbons (eds.) Geological Society. London (United Kingdom). 414 pages, 286 figures including maps, charts and pictures; 27,5x21 cm, ISBN 978-1-86239 (hardback) and ISBN 978-1-86239-220-5 (softback)Cabrera, Lluís; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Gimeno Torrente, Domingo; Liesa Torre-Marín, Montserrat; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Sàbat i Montserrat, Francesc; Sáez, Alberto; Santanach i Prat, Pere F., 1946-; Fernández Turiel, José Luis; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Pérez Estaún, Andrés
1-Aug-2014The influence of subaquatic springs in lacustrine sedimentation: Origin and paleoenvironmental significance of homogenites in karstic Lake Banyoles (NE Spain)Morellón, Mario; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Ariztegui, Daniel; Sáez, Alberto; Mata, M. Pilar; Barreiro-Lostres, Fernando; Rico, Mayte; Moreno, Ana
31-May-2017The influences of the AMO and NAO on the sedimentary infill in an Azores Archipelago lake since ca. 1350 CEHernández Hernández, Armand; Sáez, Alberto; Bao Casal, Roberto; Raposeiro, Pedro Miguel; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Doolittle, Sara; Masqué, Pere; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Gonçalves, Vítor; Vázquez-Loureiro, David; Rubio de Inglés, María Jesús; Sánchez López, Guiomar; Giralt Romeu, Santiago
14-Mar-2014The last 70 kyr of Rano Aroi (Easter island, 27ºS) peat record: New insights for the Central Pacific paleoclimatologyMargalef Marrasé, Olga
May-2008The paleohydrological evolution of Lago Chungará Andean Altiplano, northern Chile) during the Lateglacial and early Holocene using oxigen isotopes in diatom silicaHernández Hernández, Armand; Bao Casal, Roberto; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Leng, Melanie J.; Barker, Philip A.; Sáez, Alberto; Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Moreno, Ana; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Sloane, Hilary J.
2-Nov-2018The timing and widespread effects of the Holocene Deception Island caldera collapseAntoniades, Dermot; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Geyer Traver, Adelina; Álvarez Valero, Antoni M.; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Granados, Ignacio; Liu, Emma J.; Toro Velasco, Manuel; Smellie, John L.; Oliva Franganillo, Marc
25-Dec-2022The timing of the deglaciation in the Atlantic Iberian mountains: Insights from the stratigraphic analysis of a lake sequence in Serra da Estrela (Portugal).Hernández Hernández, Armand; Sáez, Alberto; Santos, Ricardo N.; Rodrigues, Teresa; Martin-Puertas, Celia; Gil-Romera, Graciela; Abbott, Mark; Carballeira, Rafael; Costa, Pedro; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Gomes, Sandra D.; Griffore, Melissa; Ibáñez i Insa, Jordi; Leira, Manel; Moreno, Joao; Naugthon, Filipa; Oliveria, Dulce; Raposeiro, Pedro Migue; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Vieira, Gonçalo; Ramos, Alexandre M.
26-Mar-2022The vanishing and the establishment of a new ecosystem on an oceanic island - anthropogenic impacts with no return ticketRitter, Catarina; Gonçalves, Vítor; Pla Rabés, Sergi; de Boer, Erik J.; Bao Casal, Roberto; Sáez, Alberto; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Sixto, Marta; Richter, Nora; Benavente, Mario; Prego, Ricardo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Raposeiro, Pedro Miguel
29-Mar-2016Three Millennia of Climatic, Ecological, and Cultural Change on Easter Island: An Integrative OverviewRull del Castillo, Valentí; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Sáez, Alberto; Giralt Romeu, Santiago