Browsing by Author Mata Álvarez, Joan

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Oct-2015A contribution to resource recovery from wastewater. Anaerobic processes for organic matter and nitrogen treatmentBasset Olivé, Núria
Sep-2020Advances in anaerobic membrane bioreactor technology for municipal wastewater treatment: A 2020 updated reviewVinardell Cruañas, Sergi; Astals Garcia, Sergi; Peces, Miriam; Cardete García, Mª Alicia; Fernández, Isaac; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Dosta Parras, Joan
Jun-2014Aerobic pretreatment study for the degradation of lignocellulosic compounds involved in the anaerobic digestion of municipal solid wastesFerré Aparicio, Paula
2-May-2022Ammonia recovery from acidogenic fermentation effluents using a gas-permeable membrane contactorSerra-Toro, A.; Vinardell Cruañas, Sergi; Astals Garcia, Sergi; Madurga Díez, Sergio; Llorens, J.; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Mas i Pujadas, Francesc; Dosta Parras, Joan
13-Aug-2022Ammoniacal nitrogen recovery from pig slurry using a novel hydrophobic/ hydrophilic selective membraneSerra-Toro, A.; Astals Garcia, Sergi; Madurga Díez, Sergio; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Mas i Pujadas, Francesc; Dosta Parras, Joan
1-Jan-2021Anaerobic membrane bioreactor performance at different wastewater pre-concentration factors: An experimental and economic studyVinardell Cruañas, Sergi; Astals Garcia, Sergi; Jaramillo, Marta; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Dosta Parras, Joan
11-Oct-2006Biodegradation of organic micropollutants in themophilic and mesophilic anareobic digestion of sewage sludgeBenabdallah El-Hadj, Toufik
Jun-2015Bioplastic production from wastes and wastewaterAlcaraz Cercós, Esther
1980Cálculo de evaporadores de múltiple efecto en paralelo. Parte I: Modelo matemático y análisis del mismoEsplugas Vidal, Santiago; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Costa López, José
1980Cálculo de evaporadores de múltiple efecto en paralelo: Parte II. Resolución del modelo matemático y un ejemplo numéricoEsplugas Vidal, Santiago; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Costa López, José
Jun-2021Co-digestion of sewage sludge and food waste in a wastewater treatment plant based on mainstream anaerobic membrane bioreactor technology: A techno-economic evaluationVinardell Cruañas, Sergi; Astals Garcia, Sergi; Koch, Konrad; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Dosta Parras, Joan
Jun-2018Co-substrate analysis for biogas production enhancement in an anaerobic digestion plant of ArgentinaRamirez, Martín Eduardo
12-May-1977Contribución al estudio de las superficies de respuestaMata Álvarez, Joan
15-Sep-2014Effect of ultrasound, low-temperature thermal and alkali pre-treatments on waste activated sludge rheology, hygienization and methane potentialRuiz Hernando, María; Martín Díaz, Julia; Labanda, Jordi; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Llorens Llacuna, Joan; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Astals Garcia, Sergi
17-Aug-2019Enhancement of volatile fatty acids production from food waste by mature compost additionCheah, Yen Keong; Dosta Parras, Joan; Mata Álvarez, Joan
2-Nov-1992Estudi de la digestió anaeròbica en una i dues fases dels residus ramaders: estudi en planta pilot d'un sistema en dues fasesTorres i Castillo, Ricard
Jan-2019Evaluation of the distribution of salinity in the different recharge zones of the lower Llobregat River aquifer and its impact in groundwaterConesa Mur, Georgina
14-Jun-2022Food waste and waste activated sludge conversion into volatile fatty acids to produce bioplasticsVidal Antich, Carme
2022Impact of food waste composition on acidogenic co-fermentation with waste activated sludgeVidal Antich, Carme; Peces, M.; Perez-Esteban, N.; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Dosta Parras, Joan; Astals Garcia, Sergi
15-Jun-2022Impact of permeate flux and gas sparging rate on membrane performance and process economics of granular anaerobic membrane bioreactorsVinardell Cruañas, Sergi; Sanchez, Lucie; Astals Garcia, Sergi; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Dosta Parras, Joan; Heran, Marc; Lesage, Geoffroy