Browsing by Author Pino i Vilalta, Joan

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Showing results 2 to 13 of 13 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2019Building on Margalef: Testing the links between landscape structure, energy and information flows driven by farming and biodiversityMarull, Joan; Herrando Vila, Sergi; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Melero Cavero, Yolanda; Pino i Vilalta, Joan; Cattaneo, Claudio; Pons Sanvidal, Manel; Llobet, Jordi; Tello, Enric
1998Característiques demogràfiques de dues espècies arvenses pròpies de tipus de cultius diferentsMasalles i Saumell, Ramon M., 1948-; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra); Pino i Vilalta, Joan
1-Apr-2018Exploring the links between social metabolism and biodiversity distribution across landscape gradients: A regional-scale contribution to the land-sharing versus land-sparing debateMarull, Joan; Tello, Enric; Bagaria Morató, Guillem; Font i Castell, Xavier; Cattaneo, Claudio; Pino i Vilalta, Joan
1996Flora aloctona de origen americano en los cultivos de CataluÑaMasalles i Saumell, Ramon M., 1948-; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra); Pino i Vilalta, Joan
4-Dec-2014La construcció de les comunitats vegetals de maresma al delta del Llobregat. Gradients ambientals, trets funcionals i interaccions biòtiquesBatriu Vila, Efrem
2012Land use changes, landscape ecology and their socioeconomic driving forces in the Spanish Mediterranean coast (the Maresme County, 1850-2005)Parcerisas i Benedé, Lluís, 1978-; Marull, Joan; Pino i Vilalta, Joan; Tello, Enric; Coll, Francesc; Basnou, Corina
2017Mapa de Vegetació de Catalunya 1:50.000 (MVC50). Full 445 (Cornudella)Ninot i Sugrañes, Josep Maria; Pérez Haase, Aaron; Pino i Vilalta, Joan
1998Rumex cristatus en CataluñaPino i Vilalta, Joan
2000Senecio pterophorus DC., a new alien species in the European mainlandPino i Vilalta, Joan; Afán Asencio, Isabel; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra); Gutiérrez i Perearnau, Cèsar
19-Dec-2017The role of species niche, species dispersal and landscape factors in the assembly of novel woody communities in metropolitan Mediterranean regionsGamboa Badilla, Nancy
Jan-2019Understanding the long-term dynamics of forest transition: Fromdeforestation to afforestation in a Mediterranean landscape (Catalonia, 1868-2005)Cervera Zaragoza, Teresa; Pino i Vilalta, Joan; Marull, Joan; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric
1-Feb-2023Using thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in a human-transformed landscapeMarull, Joan; Pino i Vilalta, Joan; Melero Cavero, Yolanda; Tello, Enric