Browsing by Author Solà Peracaula, Joan

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1976El Paleolític Inferior i Mitjà a la conca del FreserCarbonell, Eudald; Culí, Núria; Busquets, Ramon; Busquets, Toni; Font, Núria; Solà Peracaula, Joan
9-Jul-2014Entropic-force dark energy reconsideredBasilakos, Spyros; Solà Peracaula, Joan
Jun-2023Equation of state of the running vacuum in quantum field theorySalvador García, Iván
7-Feb-2017First evidence of running cosmic vacuum: challenging the concordance modelSolà Peracaula, Joan; Gómez Valent, Adrià; Cruz Pérez, Javier de
31-Oct-2021Friedmann cosmology with decaying vacuum density in Brans-Dicke theorySingh, C.P.; Solà Peracaula, Joan
Jan-2016Fundamental constants of nature and their possible time variationBernárdez Gil, Guillermo
15-Aug-2012Generalizing the running vacuum energy model and comparing with the entropic-force modelsBasilakos, Spyros; Polarski, David; Solà Peracaula, Joan
5-Feb-2020Gravitational and chiral anomalies in the running vacuum universe and matter-antimatter asymmetryBasilakos, Spyros; Mavromatos, Nick E.; Solà Peracaula, Joan
8-Oct-2009Hubble expansion and structure formation in time varying vacuum modelsBasilakos, Spyros; Plionis, Manolis; Solà Peracaula, Joan
8-Feb-2018Insights into the reproduction of some Antarctic dendroceratid, poecilosclerid, and haplosclerid demospongesKoutsouveli, Vasiliki; Taboada Moreno, Sergi; Moles, Juan; Cristobo, Javier; Ríos, Pilar; Bertran, Andrea; Solà Peracaula, Joan; Ávila Escartín, Conxita; Riesgo Gil, Ana
Jan-2017Models of dynamical dark energy in the expanding UniversePineda Romero, Àlvar
3-Feb-2010Neutral Higgs-pair production at linear colliders within the general two-Higgs-doublet model: Quantum effects and triple Higgs boson self-interactionsLópez Val, David; Solà Peracaula, Joan
1988New phase of QED?Peccei, R. D.; Solà Peracaula, Joan; Wetterich, C.
Jun-2020Nonsingular Decaying Vacuum Cosmology and Entropy Production within the Generalized Second Law of ThermodynamicsPorta Grau, Roger
15-May-2018Possible signals of vacuum dynamics in the UniverseSolà Peracaula, Joan; Cruz Pérez, Javier de; Gómez Valent, Adrià
1981Production of heavy charged Higgs particles at very high energiesGrifols, Josep Antoni; Solà Peracaula, Joan
2002Prospects for supersymmetric charged Higgs boson discovery at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN Large Hadron CollidesBelyaev, Alexander; García, David; Guasch Inglada, Jaume; Solà Peracaula, Joan; Solà Peracaula, Joan
10-Apr-2020Quantum anomalies in string-inspired running vacuum universe: Inflation and axion dark matterBasilakos, Spyros; Mavromatos, Nick E.; Solà Peracaula, Joan
18-Jun-2010Quantum effects on Higgs-strahlung events at linear colliders within the general two-Higgs-doublet modelLópez Val, David; Solà Peracaula, Joan; Bernal, Nicolás
Jan-2014Quantum vacuum energy and the Casimir effectAguadé Gorgorió, Guim