Browsing by Author Soto Riera, Joan

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Showing results 17 to 36 of 50 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2002Facets of non-relativistic effective field theoriesEiras Fernández, Dolors
Jan-2019Fitting Effective Field Theory to Ξ-Ξ lattice QCD resultsAyyash Sala, Daniel
1986Gaussian analysis of the Gross-Neveu modelLatorre, José Ignacio; Soto Riera, Joan
Jun-2017Heavy Hybrids Mesons in NRQCD: Fine and Hyperfine StructureSolé Campreciós, Pere
1996Heavy quark hadronic Lagrangian for s-wave quarkoniumPineda, Antonio (Pineda Ruiz); Soto Riera, Joan
1996Heavy quarkonium and nonperturbative correctionsPineda, Antonio (Pineda Ruiz); Soto Riera, Joan
2010Heavy quarkonium in a weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma below the melting temperatureBrambilla, Nora; Escobedo, Miguel Ángel; Ghiglieri, Jacopo; Soto Riera, Joan; Vairo, Antonio
5-Jun-2013Heavy quarkonium moving in a quark-gluon plasmaEscobedo, Miguel Ángel; Giannuzzi, F.; Mannarelli, Massimo; Soto Riera, Joan
Jan-2015Heavy TetraquarksOncala Mesa, Rubén
2003Inclusive decays of heavy quarkonium to light particlesBambrilla, Nora; Eiras, Dolors; Pineda, Antonio (Pineda Ruiz); Soto Riera, Joan; Vairo, Antonio
2003Incompressible states in double quantum dotsBarberán Falcón, Núria; Soto Riera, Joan
1999The infrared behaviour of the static potential in perturbative QCDBrambilla, Nora; Pineda, Antonio (Pineda Ruiz); Soto Riera, Joan; Vairo, Antonio
2002Low energy excitations of double quantum dots in the lowest Landau level regimeBarberán Falcón, Núria; Soto Riera, Joan
1998Matching at one loop for the four-quark operators in NRQCDPineda, Antonio (Pineda Ruiz); Soto Riera, Joan
1996Multiple edges of a quantum Hall system in a strong electricRay, Rashmi; Soto Riera, Joan
2002New predictions for inclusive heavy-quarkonium P-wave decaysBrambilla, Nora; Eiras, Dolors; Pineda, Antonio (Pineda Ruiz); Soto Riera, Joan; Vairo, Antonio
28-Jul-2011Non-relativistic bound states in a moving thermal bathEscobedo, Miguel Ángel; Mannarelli, Massimo; Soto Riera, Joan
14-Oct-2010Nonrelativistic bound states at finite temperature. II. Muonic hydrogenEscobedo, Miguel Ángel; Soto Riera, Joan
9-Jul-2020Nonrelativistic effective field theory for heavy exotic hadronsSoto Riera, Joan; Tarrús Castellà, Jaume
8-Jul-2016On-shell effective field theory: A systematic tool to compute power corrections to the hard thermal loopsManuel, Cristina; Soto Riera, Joan; Stetina, Stephan