Browsing by Author Cardellach, Francesc

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Mar-2021A Mitocentric View of the Main Bacterial and Parasitic Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric PopulationRomero Cordero, Sonia; Kirwan, Richard; Noguera Julian, Antoni; Cardellach, Francesc; Fortuny Guasch, Claudia; Morén Núñez, Constanza
31-May-2019Adherence to reporting guidelines increases the number of citations: the argument for including a methodologist in the editorial process and peer-reviewVilaró, Marta; Cortés, Jordi; Selva O'Callaghan, Albert; Urrutia, Agustín; Ribera, Josep Maria; Cardellach, Francesc; Basagaña, Xavier; Elmore, Matthew; Vilardell, Miquel; Altman, Douglas G.; González, José Antonio; Cobo, Erik
13-Feb-2018Cardiac and placental mitochondrial characterization in a rabbit model of intrauterine growth restrictionGuitart Mampel, Mariona; González Tendero, Anna; Niñerola, S.; Morén Núñez, Constanza; Catalán García, Marc; González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Juárez Flores, Diana Luz; Ugarteburu López, Olatz; Matalonga Borrel, Lesley; Cascajo, M. V.; Tort, Frederic; Cortés, A.; Tobías, Ester; Milisenda, José; Grau Junyent, Josep M. (Josep Maria); Crispi Brillas, Fàtima; Gratacós Solsona, Eduard; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria; Cardellach, Francesc
25-Apr-2022Comment on Yeste et al.: Polyphenols and IUGR Pregnancies: Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Hydroxytyrosol Affect the Development and Neurotransmitter Profile of the Hippocampus in a Pig ModelGarrabou Tornos, Glòria; Hernández, Ana Sandra; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; Escalada Casellas, Elena; Malats Revelles, Gemma; Castro Barquero, Sara; Ruiz León, Ana María; Vellvé, Kilian; Casas Rodríguez, Rosa M.; Cardellach, Francesc; Crispi Brillas, Fàtima; García-García, Francesc Josep
30-Oct-2020Disrupted mitochondrial and metabolic plasticity underlie comorbidity between age-Related and degenerative disorders as parkinson disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus.Juárez Flores, Diana Luz; Ezquerra, Mario; González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Ormazabal Herrero, Aida; Morén Núñez, Constanza; Tolosa, Eduardo; Fucho Salvador, Raquel; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; Casado, Mercedes; Valldeoriola Serra, Francesc; Torre Lara, Joan de la; Muñoz García, José Esteban; Tobías, Ester; Compta, Yaroslau; García-García, Francesc Josep; García Ruiz, Carmen; Fernández Checa Torres, José Carlos; Martí Domènech, Ma. Josep; Grau Junyent, Josep M. (Josep Maria); Cardellach, Francesc; Artuch Iriberri, Rafael; Fernández Santiago, Rubén; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
10-Dec-2003Efectes del fum de tabac envers el funcionalisme mitocondral: paper del monòxid del carboniAlonso i Viladot, José Ramon
1-Oct-1979Estudio comparativo morfológico y funcional de los granulocitos neutrófilos humanos obtenidos por los métodos de filtración y de centrifugación a flujo continuoCardellach, Francesc
8-Jun-2018Exhaustion of mitochondrial and autophagic reserve may contribute to the development of LRRK2 G2019S -Parkinson's diseaseJuárez Flores, Diana Luz; González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Ezquerra, Mario; Bañó, Maria; Carmona Pontaque, Francesc; Catalán García, Marc; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; Rivero, Juan José; Tobías, Ester; Milisenda, José; Tolosa, Eduardo; Martí Domènech, Ma. Josep; Fernández Santiago, Rubén; Cardellach, Francesc; Morén Núñez, Constanza; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
21-Nov-2019GBA mutation promotes early mitochondrial dysfunction in 3D neurosphere models.Morén Núñez, Constanza; Juárez Flores, Diana Luz; Chau, Kay Yin; Gegg, Matthew; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria; González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; Tolosa, Eduardo; Martí Domènech, Ma. Josep; Cardellach, Francesc; Schapira, Anthony Henry Vernon
18-Oct-2016HIV-1 promonocytic and lymphoid cell lines: an in vitro model of in vivo mitochondrial and apoptotic lesion.Morén Núñez, Constanza; González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Álvarez Fernández, Carmen; Bañó, Maria; Catalán García, Marc; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; Juárez Flores, Diana Luz; Tobías, Ester; Milisenda, José; Cardellach, Francesc; Gatell, José M.; Sánchez-Palomino, Sonsoles; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
29-Sep-2008Mecanismes fisiopatològics de lesió mitocondrial secundària: antiretrovirals, antibiòtics, antipsicòtics i monòxid de carboni.Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
9-Jun-2019Mitochondrial and autophagic alterations in skin fibroblasts from Parkinson disease patients with Parkin mutations.González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Juárez Flores, Diana Luz; Ezquerra, Mario; Fucho Salvador, Raquel; Catalán García, Marc; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; Tobías, Ester; García Ruiz, Carmen; Fernández Santiago, Rubén; Tolosa, Eduardo; Martí Domènech, Ma. Josep; Grau Junyent, Josep M. (Josep Maria); Fernández Checa Torres, José Carlos; Cardellach, Francesc; Morén Núñez, Constanza; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
13-May-2020Mitochondrial dysfunction: a common hallmark underlying comorbidity between sIBM and other degenerative and age-related diseasesCatalán García, Marc; García-García, Francesc Josep; Moreno Lozano, Pedro; Alcarráz Vizán, Gemma; Tort Merino, Adrià; Milisenda, José; Cantó Santos, Judith; Barcos Rodríguez, Tamara; Cardellach, Francesc; Lladó Plarrumaní, Albert; Novials, Anna; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria; Grau Junyent, Josep M. (Josep Maria)
12-Dec-2018Mitochondrial implication in intrauterine growth restriction and cardiovascular remodellingGuitart Mampel, Mariona
2-Apr-2019Mitochondrial implications in human pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction and associated cardiac remodellingGuitart Mampel, Mariona; Juárez Flores, Diana Luz; Youssef, Lina; Morén Núñez, Constanza; Garcia Otero, Laura; Roca Agujetas, Vicente; Catalán García, Marc; González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Tobías, Ester; Milisenda, José; Grau Junyent, Josep M. (Josep Maria); Crispi Brillas, Fàtima; Gratacós Solsona, Eduard; Cardellach, Francesc; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
30-Aug-2016Mitochondrial toxicity and caspase activation in HIV pregnant women.Hernández, Sandra; Morén Núñez, Constanza; Catalán García, Marc; López, Marta; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; Coll Escursell, Josep Oriol; García-Vega Redondo, Laura; Milisenda, José; Justamante, Ángela; Gatell, José M.; Cardellach, Francesc; Gratacós Solsona, Eduard; Miró i Andreu, Òscar; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
1-May-2020Mitochondrial Toxicogenomics for Antiretroviral Management: HIV Post-exposure Prophylaxis in Uninfected PatientsBañó, Maria; Morén Núñez, Constanza; Barroso, Sergio; Juárez Flores, Diana Luz; Guitart Mampel, Mariona; González Casacuberta, Ingrid; Cantó Santos, Judith; Lozano Garcia, Ester; León, Agathe; Pedrol, Enric; Miró i Andreu, Òscar; Tobías, Ester; Mallolas Masferrer, Josep; Rojas, Jhon F.; Cardellach, Francesc; Martínez, Esteban; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria
15-Mar-2022Neuronal induction and bioenergetics characterization of human forearm adipose stem cells from Parkinson's disease patients and healthy controlsGonzález Casacuberta, Ingrid; Vilas, Dolores; Pont Sunyer, Claustre; Tobías, Ester; Cantó Santos, Judith; Valls Roca, Laura; García-García, Francesc Josep; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria; Grau Junyent, Josep M. (Josep Maria); Martí Domènech, Ma. Josep; Cardellach, Francesc; Morén Núñez, Constanza
1996A nuclear defect in the 4p16 region predisposes to multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in families with Wolfram syndrome.Barrientos Rubio, Antoni; Volpini Bertrán, Víctor; Casademont i Pou, Jordi; Genís, David; Manzanares, Josep-Maria; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Corral, Jordi; Cardellach, Francesc; Urbano Márquez, A. (Álvaro); Estivill, Xavier, 1955-; Nunes Martínez, Virginia
11-Sep-2020Nutrition, bioenergetics, and metabolic syndromeGarcía-García, Francesc Josep; Monistrol-Mula, A.; Cardellach, Francesc; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria