Browsing by Author Fernández Arévalo, Anna

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Apr-2021Autochthonous and imported tegumentary leishmaniasis in Catalonia (Spain): Aetiological evolution in the last four decades and usefulness of different typing approaches based on biochemical, molecular and proteomic markersFernández Arévalo, Anna; Ballart Ferrer, J. Cristina; Muñoz-Basagoiti, Jordana; Basarte, Leire; Lobato, Gonzalo; Arnau, Albert; Abras Feliu, Alba; Tebar, Silvia; Llovet, Teresa; Lami, Patrick; Pratlong, F.; Alsina Gibert, Mercè; Roe, Esther; Puig, Lluís; Muñoz, Carmen; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat)
17-Sep-2019Caracterització de les leishmànies: aplicabilitat de tècniques basades en l'estudi de proteïnes i del DNA (Seminaris de Recerca 2019)Fernández Arévalo, Anna
5-Feb-2020Evaluation of canine leishmaniosis vaccine CaniLeish® under field conditions in native dog populations from an endemic Mediterranean area - a randomized controlled trial.Velez, Maria Rita Perdigão; Domènech Viñolas, Ester; Rodríguez Cortés, Alheli; Barrios, Diana; Tebar, Silvia; Fernández Arévalo, Anna; Aguilar, Ruth; Dobaño, Carlota, 1969-; Alberola, Jordi; Cairó Vilagran, Jordi; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat)
Apr-2017Identification of Trypanosoma cruzi Discrete Typing Units (DTUs) in Latin-American migrants in Barcelona (Spain)Abras Feliu, Alba; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat); Muñoz, Carmen; Juiz, Natalia; Ramírez, Juan Carlos; Cura, Carolina; Tebar, Silvia; Fernández Arévalo, Anna; Pinazo, Maria-Jesus; Torre, Leonardo de la; Posada, Elizabeth; Navarro, Ferran; Espinal, Paula; Ballart Ferrer, J. Cristina; Portús Vinyeta, Montserrat; Gascón i Brustenga, Joaquim; Schijman, Alejandro G.
Sep-2015Identification of blood meals in field captured sand flies by a PCR-RFLP approach based on cytochrome b geneGonzález, Estela; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat); Molina Moreno, Ricardo; Abras Feliu, Alba; Alcover Amengual, Maria Magdalena; Ballart Ferrer, J. Cristina; Fernández Arévalo, Anna; Jiménez Alonso, M.
1-Jan-2019Seroprevalence of canine Leishmania infantum infection in the Mediterranean region and identification of risk factors: The example of North-Eastern and Pyrenean areas of SpainVelez, Maria Rita Perdigão; Ballart Ferrer, J. Cristina; Domènech Viñolas, Ester; Abras Feliu, Alba; Fernández Arévalo, Anna; Ares Gómez, Sonia; Tebar, Silvia; Muñoz Batet, Carme; Cairó Vilagran, Jordi; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat)
11-Jun-2019Sporotrichoid dissemination of cutaneous leishmaniasis possibly triggered by a diagnostic punctureLaynez Roldán, Pedro; Fuertes, Irene; Almuedo Riera, Alex; Losada, Irene; Giavedoni, Priscila; Camprubí, Daniel; Muñoz, José; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat); Fernández Arévalo, Anna; Rodriguez Valero, Natalia
Nov-2020The Leishmania donovani species complex: A new insight into taxonomy.Fernández Arévalo, Anna; Ravel, Christophe; Ballart Ferrer, J. Cristina; Abras Feliu, Alba; Lachaud, Laurence; Tebar, Silvia; Lami, Patrick; Pratlong, Francine; Gállego Culleré, M. (Montserrat); Muñoz Batet, M. Carmen; Baidouri, Fouad El
24-Nov-2020Utilidad y aplicación de diferentes técnicas (bioquímicas, proteómicas y moleculares) en la caracterización de LeishmaniaFernández Arévalo, Anna