Browsing by Author Genovart Millet, Meritxell

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Dec-2010A physiological marker for quantifying differential reproductive investment between the sexes in Yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis)Ramírez Benítez, Francisco José; Hobson, K. A.; Wangensteen Fuentes, Owen S. (Simon); Genovart Millet, Meritxell; Viscor Carrasco, Ginés; Sanpera Trigueros, Carola; Jover Armengol, Lluís de
9-Feb-2016Bird population dynamics in the wintering season: the case of the mediterranean Gull Larus melanodephalus = Dinàmiques poblacionals en ocells durant la hivernada: el cas de la Gavina Capnegra Larus melanocephalusCarboneras Malet, Carles
1-Oct-2013Demographic analysis and population models in ecology, evolution and conservation: a transversal approach with case studies = L’anàlisi demogràfica i els models poblacionals en ecologia, evolució i conservació: un enfoc transversal amb casos d’estudiFernàndez Chacón, Albert
1-Feb-2014From recruitment to senescence: food shapes the age-dependent pattern of breeding performance in a long-lived birdOro, Daniel; Hernández, Noelia; Jover Armengol, Lluís de; Genovart Millet, Meritxell
2002Kleptoparasitism, disturbance and predation of yellow-legged gulls on Audouin's gulls in three colonies of the western MediterraneanMartínez Abraín, Alejandro; González-Solís, Jacob; Pedrocchi Rius, Vittorio; Genovart Millet, Meritxell; Abella, Joan Carles; Ruiz Gabriel, Xavier; Jiménez Pérez, Juan. 1958-; Oro, Daniel
Feb-2005Parental body condition does not correlate with offspring sex-ratio in Cory's shearwaterGenovart Millet, Meritxell; Oro, Daniel; Forero, Manuela G.; Igual, José Manuel; González-Solís, Jacob; Ruiz Gabriel, Xavier
2012Research Priorities for seabirds: Improving seabird conservation and management in the 21st centuryLewison, R.; Oro, Daniel; Godley, Brendan J.; Underhill, L.; Bearhop, Stuart; Wilson, R.; Ainley, David; Arcos Pros, José Manuel; Boersma, P.D.; Borboroglu, P.; Boulinier, Thierry; Frederiksen, Morten; Genovart Millet, Meritxell; González-Solís, Jacob; Green, J.A.; Grémillet, D.; Hamer, K.C.; Hilton, G.M.; Hyrenbach, K.D.; Martínez Abraín, Alejandro; Montevecchi, William A.; Phillips, Richard A.; Ryan, Peter G.; Sagar, P.; Sydeman, W.J.; Yorio, P.; Wanless, S. (Sarah); Watanuki, Yutaka; Weimerskirch, Henri
7-May-2022The first genome of the Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) provides a valuable resource for conservation genomics and sheds light on adaptation to a pelagic lifestyleCuevas-Caballé, Cristian; Ferrer Obiol, Joan; Vizueta Moraga, Joel; Genovart Millet, Meritxell; González-Solís, Jacob; Riutort León, Marta; Rozas Liras, Julio A.