Browsing by Subject Ubiqüitina

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Jul-2016A C2HC zinc finger is essential for the RING-E2 interaction of the ubiquitin ligase RNF125Bijlmakers, Marie-Jose; Teixeira, Joao M. C.; Boer, Roeland; Mayzel, Maxim; Puig-Sàrries, Pilar; Karlsson, Goran; Coll, Miquel; Pons Vallès, Miquel; Crosas i Navarro, Bernat
1-Aug-2018Age- and disease-dependent increase of the mitophagy marker phospho-ubiquitin in normal aging and Lewy body diseaseHou, Xu; Fiesel, Fabienne C.; Truban, Dominika; Castanedes Casey, Monica; Lin, Wen-lang; Soto, Alexandra I.; Tacik, Pawel; Rousseau, Linda G.; Diehl, Nancy N.; Heckman, Michael G.; Lorenzo-Betancor, Oswaldo; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Arbelo, José M.; Steele, John C.; Farrer, Matthew J.; Cornejo-Olivas, Maria; Torres, Luis; Mata, Ignacio F.; Graff-Radford, Neill R.; Wszolek, Zbigniew K.; Ross, Owen A.; Murray, Melissa E.; Dickson, Dennis W.; Springer, Wolfdieter
10-Jun-2015An intrinsically disordered region of RPN10 plays a key role in restricting ubiquitin chain elongation in RPN10 monoubiquitinationPuig-Sàrries, Pilar; Bijlmakers, Marie-Jose; Zuin, Alice; Bichmann, Anne; Pons Vallès, Miquel; Crosas i Navarro, Bernat
10-Apr-2020By the Tips of Your Cilia: Ciliogenesis in the Retina and the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System.Toulis, Vasileios; Marfany i Nadal, Gemma
30-Jan-2015Caracterización molecular y funcional de Small-Ubiquitin-related MOdifier en Arabidopsis thalianaCastaño Miquel, Laura
Jul-2013CDK‐mediated activation of the SCFFBXO28 ubiquitin ligase promotes MYC‐driven transcription and tumourigenesis and predicts poor survival in breast cancerCepeda, Diana; Ng, Hwee-Fang; Sharifi, Hamid Reza; Mahmoudi, Salah; Soto Cerrato, Vanessa; Fredlund, Erik; Magnusson, Kristina; Nilsson, Helen; Malyukova, Alena; Rantala, Juha; Klevebring, Daniel; Viñals Canals, Francesc; Bhaskaran, Nimesh; Zakaria, Siti Mariam; Rahmanto, Aldwin Suryo; Grotegut, Stefan; Nielsen, Michael Lund; Szigyarto, Cristina Al-Khalili; Sun, Dahui; Lerner, Mikael; Navani, Sanjay; Widschwendter, Martin; Uhlén, Mathias; Jirström, Karin; Pontén, Fredrik; Wohlschlegel, James; Grandér, Dan; Spruck, Charles; Larsson, Lars-Gunnar; Sangfelt, Olle
15-Apr-2015Characterisation and expression analysis of cathepsins and ubiquitin-proteasome genes in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) skeletal muscleSalmerón Salvador, Cristina; Navarro Álvarez, Isabel; Johnston, Ian A.; Gutiérrez Fruitós, Joaquín; Capilla Campos, Encarnación
15-May-1998Characterization of human hect domain family members and their interaction with UbcH5 and UbcH7Schwarz, Sylvia E.; Rosa López, José Luis; Scheffner, Martin
Jan-2016Down-regulation of BDNF in cell and animal models increases striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase 61 (STEP61) levelsXu, Jian; Kurup, Pradeep; Azkona, Garikoitz; Baguley, Tyler D.; Saavedra, Ana; Nairn, Angus C.; Ellman, Jonathan A.; Pérez Navarro, Esther; Lombroso, Paul J.
11-Mar-1982Effect of high mobility group nonhistone proteins HMG-20 (ubiquitin) and HMG-17 on histone deacetylase activity assayed in vitroMezquita Pla, Jovita; Chiva i Royo, Manuel; Vidal Malaka, Santiago; Mezquita Pla, Cristóbal
23-Mar-2007L'Enzim deubiqüitinant USP25: cerca de substrats i relació estructura-funcióBosch Comas, Anna
Jun-2013ERK5/BMK1 is a novel target of the tumor suppressor VHL: implication in clear cell renal carcinomaArias-González, Laura; Moreno-Gimeno, Inmaculada; Rubio del Campo, Antonio; Serrano-Oviedo, Leticia; Valero, María Llanos; Esparís-Ogando, Azucena; Cruz-Morcillo, Miguel Ángel de la; Melgar-Rojas, Pedro; García-Cano, Jesús; Cimas, Francisco J.; Ruiz Hidalgo, María José; Prado, Alfonso; Callejas-Valera, Juan Luis; Nam-Cha, Syong Hyun; Giménez-Bachs, José Miguel; Salinas-Sánchez, Antonio S.; Pandiella, Atanasio; Peso, Luis del; Sánchez-Prieto, Ricardo
22-Jul-2015Estudi de la regulació de la proteïna proapoptòtica RTP801 per l’E3 ubiquitina lligasa parkina en la malaltia de ParkinsonRomaní Aumedes, Joan
2-Mar-2016Expression atlas of the Deubiquitinating enzymes in the adult mouse retina, their evolutionary diversification and phenotypic rolesEsquerdo Barragán, Mariona; Grau Bové, Francesc Xavier; Garanto, Alejandro; Toulis, Vasileios; Garcia Monclús, Silvia; Millo, Erica; López-Iniesta, Mª José; Abad-Morales, Víctor; Ruiz Trillo, Iñaki; Marfany i Nadal, Gemma
2000Fusion of the human gene for the polyubiquitination coeffector UEV1 with Kua, a newly identified geneThomson, Timothy M.; Lozano, Juan José; Loukili, Noureddine; Carrió, Roberto; Serras Rigalt, Florenci; Cormand Rifà, Bru; Valeri, Marta; Díaz, Víctor M.; Abril Ferrando, Josep Francesc, 1970-; Burset Albareda, Moisès; Merino, Jesús; Macaya, Alfons; Corominas, Montserrat (Corominas Guiu); Guigó, Roderic
14-Oct-2022HERC2 deficiency activates C-RAF/MKK3/p38 signalling pathway altering the cellular response to oxidative stressSala-Gaston, Joan; Pedrazza, Leonardo; Ramirez, Juanma; Martinez-Martinez, Arturo; Rawlins, Lettie E.; Baple, Emma L.; Crosby, Andrew H.; Mayor, Ugo; Ventura, Francesc; Rosa López, José Luis
7-Aug-2019HERCing: structural and functional relevance of the large HERC ubiquitin ligasesGarcía-Cano, Jesús; Martinez-Martinez, Arturo; Sala Gaston, Joan; Pedrazza, Leonardo; Rosa López, José Luis
26-May-2017Identification of deubiquitinating enzyme genes relevant for the regulation of retina-specific genesEsquerdo Barragán, Mariona
1-Jul-2017Inflammation in Lafora Disease: evolution with disease progression in laforin and malin knock-out mouse modelsLópez González, Irene; Viana, Rosa; Sanz, Pascual; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
23-Jan-2015mRNA expression analysis of the SUMO pathway genes in the adult mouse retinaAbad-Morales, Víctor; Domènech, Elena B.; Garanto Iglesias, Alejandro; Marfany i Nadal, Gemma