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Showing results 20745 to 20764 of 83917 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jan-2016Development Patterns in Multi-Sector Growth ModelsCruz González, Bernabé Edgar
1-Jun-2013Development process and initial validation of the ethical conflict in nursing questionnaire-critical care versionFalcó Pegueroles, Anna M. (Anna Marta); Lluch Canut, Ma. Teresa; Guàrdia-Olmos, Joan, 1958-
2020Development status of global marine wind energy and contribution to the future development in SpainLlin Brosa, Marc
22-Sep-2019Development, cytotoxicity and eye irritation profile of a new sunscreen formulation based on benzophenone-3-poly(ε-caprolactone) nanocapsules.Barbosa, Thallysson Carvalho; Dias Nascimento, Lívia Éven; Bani, Cristiane; Almeida, Taline; Nery, Marcelo; Santos, Rafael Silva; de Oliveira Menezes, Luana Renyelle; Zielinska, Aleksandra; Fernandes, Ana Rita; Cordeiro Cardoso, Juliana; Jäguer, Alessandro; Jäguer, Eliezer; Sánchez-López, E. (Elena); Nalone, Luciana; Barbosa Souto, Eliana; Severino, Patrícia
17-Jun-2021Development, implementation, and validation of a new method for meta-analysis of voxel-based neuroimage studiesAlbajes-Eizagirre, Anton
Feb-2014Development, physical-chemical stability and release studies of four alcohol-free spironolactone suspensions for use in pediatricsProvenza Bernal, Nora; Calpena Campmany, Ana Cristina; Mallandrich Miret, Mireia; Ruiz Martínez, Mª Adolfina; Clares Naveros, Beatriz
16-Sep-2023Development, validation, and prognostic evaluation of a risk score for long-term liver-related outcomes in the general population: a multicohort studySerra-Burriel M.; Juanola A.; Serra-Burriel F.; Thiele M.; Graupera I.; Pose, Elisa; Pera G.; Grgurevic I.; Caballeria L.; Piano S.; van Kleef L.; Reichert M.; Roulot D.; Pericàs JM.; Schattenberg JM.; Tsochatztis EA.; Guha IN.; Garcia-Retortillo M.; Hernández R.; Hoyo J.; Fuentes M.; Expósito C.; Martínez A.; Such P.; Madir A.; Detlefsen S.; Tonon M.; Martini A.; Ma AT.; Pich J.; Bonfill E.; Juan M.; Soria A.; Carol M.; Gratacós Ginès, Jordi; Morillas RM.; Toran P.; Navarrete JM.; Torrejón A.; Fournier C.; Llorca A.; Arslanow A.; de Koning HJ.; Cucchietti F.; Manns M.; Newsome PN.; Hernáez R.; Allen A.; Angeli P.; de Knegt RJ.; Karlsen TH.; Galle P.; Wong VW.; Fabrellas N.; Castera L.; Krag A.; Lammert F.; Kamath PS.; Ginès i Gibert, Pere; LiverScreen Consortium Investigators
20-Mar-2017Developmental alterations in Huntington's disease neural cells and pharmacological rescue in cells and micePardo Muñoz, Mònica; García-Díaz Barriga, Gerardo; Straccia, Marco; Sanders, Phil; Alberch i Vié, Jordi, 1959-; Canals i Coll, Josep M.; HD iPSC Consortium
Oct-2006Developmental and tissue-specific involvement of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha in the control of mouse uncoupling protein-3 gene expression.Pedraza González, Neus; Rosell Mañé, Meritxell; Villarroya i Terrade, Joan; Iglesias Coll, María del Rosario; Gonzalez, Frank J.; Solanes Garcia, Gemma; Villarroya i Gombau, Francesc
5-May-2020Developmental and Tumor Angiogenesis Requires the Mitochondria-Shaping Protein Opa1Herkenne, Stéphanie; Ek, Olivier; Zamberlan, Margherita; Pellattiero, Anna; Chergova, Maya; Chivite, Íñigo; Novotná, Eliška; Rigoni, Giovanni; Fonseca, Tiago Branco; Samardzic, Dijana; Agnellini, Andrielly; Bean, Camilla; Di Benedetto, Giulietta; Tiso, Natascia; Argenton, Francesco; Viola, Antonella; Soriano, Maria Eugenia; Giacomello, Marta; Ziviani, Elena; Sales, Gabriele; Claret i Carles, Marc; Graupera i Garcia-Milà, Mariona; Scorrano, Luca
15-Apr-2019Developmental atlas of appendicularian Oikopleura dioica actins provides new insights into the evolution of the notochord and the cardio-paraxial muscle in chordates.Almazán, Alba; Ferrández-Roldán, Alfonso; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
2023Developmental brain lipidomics is influenced by postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure and APOE genetic background in miceGuardia Escote, Laia; Biosca Brull, Judit; Cabré, Maria; Blanco, Jordi; Mladenova, Koleva M.; Basaure, Pia; Pérez Fernández, Cristian; Sánchez Santed, Fernando; Domingo, José L.; Colomina, Maria Teresa
2022Developmental Dyslexia and EFL Secondary Teachers in BarcelonaCabanting Decano, Jerihco
Mar-2015Developmental effects and genotoxicity of ten water disinfection by-products in zebrafishTeixidó Condomines, Elisabet; Piqué Benages, Maria Esther; González-Linares, J. (Javier); Llobet Mallafré, Joan M. (Joan Maria); Gómez Catalán, Jesús
8-Nov-2021Developmental exposure to MDMA (ecstasy) in zebrafish embryos reproduces the neurotoxicity adverse outcome 'lower motor activity' described in humansBarenys Espadaler, Marta; Álvarez, Shami; Santamaria, Ariadna; Teixidó Condomines, Elisabet; Gómez Catalán, Jesús
2010Developmental expression of the oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein in the mouse telencephalonGil Fernández, Vanessa; Bichler, Zoe; Lee, Jae K.; Seira Oriach, Oscar; Llorens Torres, Franc; Bribián Arruego, Ana; Morales, Ricardo; Claverol-Tinture, Enric; Soriano García, Eduardo; Sumoy, Lauro; Zheng, Binhai; Río Fernández, José Antonio del
21-Feb-2019Developmental fluoxetine exposure in zebrafish reduces offspring basal cortisol concentration via life stage-dependent maternal transmissionMartinez, Ruben; Vera-Chang, Marilyn N.; Haddad, Majd; Zon, Jessica; Navarro Martin, Laia; Trudeau, Vance L.; Mennigen, Jan Alexander
10-Feb-2023Developmental Intergroup Theory of Mind: The protagonist’s social group membership as a pragmatic performance factorSaumell Andreu, Carlota
May-2020Developmental neurotoxicity of MDMA. A systematic literature review summarized in a putative adverse outcome pathwayBarenys Espadaler, Marta; Reverte, Ingrid; Masjosthusmann, Stefan; Gómez Catalán, Jesús; Fritsche, Ellen
11-Oct-2016Developmental refractoriness of MLL-rearranged human B-cell acute leukemias to reprogramming into pluripotencyMuñoz, Alvaro; Romero Moya, Damià; Prieto, Cristina; Ramos-Mejía, Verónica; Agraz-Doblas, Antonio; Varela, Ignacio; Buschbeck, Marcus; Palau de Miguel, Anna; Carvajal-Vergara, Xonia; Giorgetti, Alessandra; Ford, Anthony; Lako, Majlinda; Granada, Isabel; Ruiz-Xivillé, Neus; Rodríguez-Perales, Sandra; Torres-Ruíz, Raul; Stam, Ronald W.; Fuster, Jose Luis; Fraga, Mario F.; Nakanishi, Mahito; Cazzaniga, Gianni; Bardini, Michela; Cobo, Isabel; Bayón, Gustavo F.; Fernández, Agustín F.; Bueno, Clara; Menéndez Buján, Pablo