UB Economics – Working Papers [ERE] Collection home page

"UB Economics - Working Papers" dóna continuitat des de finals del 2013, als "Documents de Treball de l’Espai de Recerca en Economia (ERE)" de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona, col·lecció que va néixer l’any 2001.
En aquesta col·lecció, trobareu tots els "Documents de Treball de l’ERE" fins el número 300 que apareixen sota el format "Col.lecció d’Economia", una numeració que tindrà continuitat a partir del número 301 sota el títol d’"UB Economics - Working Papers".

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 437
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Structural transformation in India: The Role of the Service SectorSerrano Quintero, Rafael
2023Gendered Effects of the Minimum WageDi Nola, Alessandro; Wang, Haomin; Haywood, Luke
2023The essential coalitions index in games with restricted cooperationJané Ballarín, Martí
2023Common Ownership UnpackedChiappinelli, Olga; Xefteris, Dimitrios; Papadopoulos, Konstantinos G.
2023Lorenz Population Monotonic Allocation Schemes for TU-gamesIzquierdo Aznar, Josep Maria; Montes, Jesús; Rafels, Carles
2023Reforms in the Natural Gas Sector and Economic Development [WP]Delalibera, Bruno R.; Serrano Quintero, Rafael; Zimmermann, Guilherme G.
2023Fiscal Multiplier in Bolivia: Do the Nationalization Process and the Unconventional Monetary Policy matter?Ticona Huanca, Wilma
2023Matching markets with farsighted couplesAtay, Ata; Funck, Sylvain; Mauleon, Ana; Vannetelbosch, Vincent
2023Taxation of Top Incomes and Tax AvoidanceDi Nola, Alessandro; Kocharakov, Georgi; Scholl, Almuth; Tkhir, Anna-Mariia; Wang, Haomin
2023Proportional clearing mechanisms in financial systems: an axiomatic approachCalleja, Pere; Llerena Garrés, Francesc
2023The complexity of power indices in voting games with incompatible playersJané Ballarín, Martí
2023Overbidding and underbidding in package allocation problemsNúñez, Marina (Núñez Oliva); Robles Jiménez, Francisco Javier
2023Firm behavior during an epidèmic [WP]Brotherhood, Luiz; Jerbashian, Vahagn
2022Limited farsightedness in priority-based matchingAtay, Ata; Mauleon, Ana; Vannetelbosch, Vincent
2022School choice with farsighted studentsAtay, Ata; Mauleon, Ana; Vannetelbosch, Vincent
2022Lifecycle consumption and household structure: A pseudo-panel approachAbío, Gemma; Andrés Martínez, Raquel; Patxot, Concepció; Souto Nieves, Guadalupe; Stoyanova, Alexandrina Petrova
2022On the elasticity of substitution between labor and ICT and IP capital and traditional capitalJerbashian, Vahagn
2022Persuading crowdsLorecchio, Caio Paes Leme
2022Efficient copyright filters for online hosting platformsDe Chiara, Alessandro; Manna, Ester; Rubí i Puig, Antoni; Segura-Moreiras, Adrian
2022Gender gaps in STEM occupations in Costa Rica, El Salvador and MexicoCuberes, David; Saravia, Florencia; Teignier, Marc
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 437