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Title: Performance of correlation functionals in ab initio chemisorption cluster-model calculations: Alkali metals on Si(111)
Author: Clotet, A.
Ricart, Josep M.
Casanovas Salas, Jordi
Illas i Riera, Francesc
San Fabián, E.
Moscardó, F.
Keywords: Química física
Superfícies (Física)
Physical chemistry
Surfaces (Physics)
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: The performance of different correlation functionals has been tested for alkali metals, Li to Cs, interacting with cluster models simulating different active sites of the Si(111) surface. In all cases, the ab initio Hartree-Fock density has been obtained and used as a starting point. The electronic correlation energy is then introduced as an a posteriori correction to the Hartree-Fock energy using different correlation functionals. By making use of the ionic nature of the interaction and of different dissociation limits we have been able to prove that all functionals tested introduce the right correlation energy, although to a different extent. Hence, correlation functionals appear as an effective and easy way to introduce electronic correlation in the ab initio Hartree-Fock description of the chemisorption bond in complex systems where conventional configuration interaction techniques cannot be used. However, the calculated energies may differ by some tens of eV. Therefore, these methods can be employed to get a qualitative idea of how important correlation effects are, but they have some limitations if accurate binding energies are to be obtained.
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It is part of: Physical Review B, 1995, vol. 52, núm. 16, p. 11998-12005.
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ISSN: 0163-1829
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Ciència dels Materials i Química Física)

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