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Title: The use of clinical practice guidelines in primary care: professional mindlines and control mechanisms
Author: Gené Badia, Joan
Gallo de Puelles, Pedro
Caïs, Jordi
Sànchez i Ruiz, Emília
Carrión Ribas, Carme
Arroyo Moliner, Liliana
Aymerich, Marta, 1968-
Keywords: Atenció primària
Control de gestió
Política sanitària
Economia de la salut
Primary health care
Management audit
Medical policy
Medical economics
Issue Date: Oct-2016
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Objective : To identify the relevant barriers and enablers perceived by primary care professionals in implementing the recommendations of clinical practice guidelines (CPG). Methods : Two focus groups were conducted with primary care physicians and nurses in Catalonia (Spain) between October and December 2012. Thirty-nine health professionals were selected based on their knowledge and daily use of CPG. Finally, eight general practitioners and eight nurses were included in the discussion groups. Participants were asked to share their views and beliefs on the accessibility of CPG, their knowledge and use of these documents, the content and format of CPG, dissemination strategy, training, professional-patient relationship, and the use of CPG by the management structure. We recorded and transcribed the content verbatim and analysed the data using qualitative analysis techniques.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Gaceta Sanitaria, 2016, vol. 30, num. 5, p. 345-351
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ISSN: 0213-9111
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Sociologia)

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