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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 501
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Long-term unemployment subsidies and middle-age disadvantaged workers’ healthGarcía-Pérez, José Ignacio; Serrano-Alarcón, Manuel; Vall Castelló, Judit
2020Paraísos fiscales, wealth taxation, and mobilityAgrawal, David R.; Foremny, Dirk; Martínez-Toledano, Clara
2020Mom, Dad : I’m staying. Initial labor market conditions, housing markets and welfareMartínez Mazza, Rodrigo
2020COVID-19 and help-seeking behavior for intimate partner violence victimsBeigelman, Marie; Vall Castelló, Judit
2020Political cicles and Yardstick competition in the recycling of waste, evidence from Italian provincesFerraresi, Massimiliano; Mazzanti, Massimiliano; Mazzarano, Matteo; Rizzo, Leonzio; Secomandi, Riccardo
2020Congestion in Highways when tolls and railroads matter: Evidence from European cities [WP]García López, Miquel-Àngel; Pasidis, Ilias; Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet
2020Law incentives for juvenile recruiting by drug trafficking gangs: empirical evidence from Rio de Janeiro [WP]Montolio, Daniel; Oliveira, Cristiano
2020If sick-leave becomes more costly, will I go back to work? Could it be too soon?Marie, Olivier; Vall Castelló, Judit
2020‘Information doesn’t want to be free’: informational shocks with anonymous online platformsPiolatto, Amedeo
2020What do divided cities have in common? An international comparison of income segregationVeneri, Paolo; Comandon, André; García López, Miquel-Àngel; Daams, Michiel N.
2020Modeling the U.S. firearms market: the effects of civilian stocks, crime, legislation, and armed conflicteMcDougall, Topher L.; Montolio, Daniel; Brauer, Jürgen
2020Does media coverage affect governments’preparation for natural disasters?Magontier, Pierre
2020Does the internet change attitudes towards immigrants? Evidence from SpainRomarri, Alessio
2020Commuting time and the gender gap in labor market participation [WP]Farré, Lídia; Jofre Monseny, Jordi; Torrecillas, Juan
2020Betrayed by the elites: how corruption amplifies the political effects of recessions [WP]Sanz, Carlos; Solé Ollé, Albert; Sorribas, Pilar
2020Does the winner take it all? Redistributive policies and political extremismDaniele, Gianmarco; Piolatto, Amedeo; Sas, Willem
2019Stop Invasion! The electoral tipping point in anti-immigrant votingBordignon, Massimo; Gamalerio, Matteo; Slerca, Edoardo; Turati, Gilberto
2019Building(s and) cities: delineating urban areas with a machine learning algorithm [WP]Arribas-Bel, Daniel; García López, Miquel-Àngel; Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet
2019The long-run redistributive power of the net wealth taxDurán Cabré, José María; Esteller Moré, Alejandro
2019What are the factors that influence the use of ICT in the classroom by teachers? Evidence from a census survey in MadridGómez-Fernández, Nerea; Mediavilla, Mauro
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 501