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Title: Task complexity effects on the acquisition of an L2 vowel contrast: A task-based pronunciation teaching study
Author: Mora Plaza, Íngrid
Director/Tutor: Mora Bonilla, Joan Carles
Gilabert Guerrero, Roger
Keywords: Adquisició d'una segona llengua
Treballs de fi de màster
Second language acquisition
Master's theses
Issue Date: Sep-2017
Abstract: L2 pronunciation is often neglected in the EFL classroom and, when addressed, it is typically decontextualized from communicative practice. Additionally, limited research has been conducted in SLA on the role of task manipulation for the improvement of L2 pronunciation accuracy during meaning-focused interaction. This study investigates the impact of decision-making tasks, organized in increasing complexity, on the perception and production of English /æ/-/ʌ/ in order to improve learners’ pronunciation in foreign language exchanges. L1 Catalan/Spanish young adults (n=18) performed four dyadic problem-solving, reasoning-gap tasks over a three-week period. Tasks were always preceded by form-focused pre-tasks that contained lexical items contrasting the target vowels (e.g., bag-bug, cap-cup) to be used during task performance. Furthermore, tasks were sequenced on the basis of increasing level of cognitive complexity (+S, -S, -C, +C) in order to progressively enhance the occurrence of pronunciation-based language-related episodes. Perception and production accuracy were pre- and post- tested through identification and ABX discrimination tasks and a delayed-sentence repetition task, respectively. Individual differences in learners’ L2 proficiency and attention control were also assessed. In line with the Cognition Hypothesis (Robinson, 2001, 2007, 2011), the results revealed that orienting attention to a phonological contrast during interactive tasks improves its perception and production significantly, and increased task demands along resource-directing variables (i.e. +/- reasoning demands and +/- elements) generate more pronunciation-focused LREs. Finally, auditory selective attention was the main moderator factor in explaining inter-subject variability in the perception and production of the English vowel contrast.
Note: Màster de Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües, Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Tutors: Joan Carles Mora i Roger Gilabert
Appears in Collections:Màster Oficial - Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües

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