Articles publicats en revistes (Institut de Recerca en Sistemes Complexos (UBICS)) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 91
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Jul-2024Comparison between 16S rRNA and shotgun sequencing in colorectal cancer, advanced colorectal lesions, and healthy human gut microbiotaBars-cortina, David; Ramon, Elies; Rius-sansalvador, Blanca; Guinó, Elisabet; Garcia-serrano, Ainhoa; Mach, Núria; Khannous-lleiffe, Olfat; Saus, Ester; Gabaldón, Toni; Ibáñez-sanz, Gemma; Rodríguez-alonso, Lorena; Mata, Alfredo; García-rodríguez, Ana; Obón-santacana, Mireia; Moreno, Victor
11-Nov-2022Maximizing friction by liquid flow clogging in confinementChen, S.; Guo, Z.; Zhang, H.; Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio; Zhang, X.
18-Apr-2023Diffusion capacity of single and interconnected networksSchieber, Tiago A.; Carpi, Laura; Pardalos, Panos M.; Masoller, Cristina; Díaz Guilera, Albert; Ravetti, Martín G.
10-Mar-2023Neuronal Cultures: Exploring Biophysics, Complex Systems, and Medicine in a DishSoriano i Fradera, Jordi
18-May-2023Astrocyte dysfunction and neuronal network hyperactivity in a CRISPR engineered pluripotent stem cell model of frontotemporal dementiaCanals, Isaac; Comella Bolla, Andrea; Cepeda-Prado, Efrain; Avaliani, Natalia; Crowe, James A.; Oburoglu, Leal; Bruzelius, Andreas; King, Naomi; Pajares, María A.; Pérez-Sala, Dolores; Heuer, Andreas; Rylander Ottosson, Daniella; Soriano i Fradera, Jordi; Ahlenius, Henrik
20-May-2023Dynamical and topological conditions triggering the spontaneous activation of Izhikevich neuronal networksFaci-Lázaro, Sergio; Soriano i Fradera, Jordi; Mazo, Juan José; Gómez-Gardeñes, Jesús
10-Nov-2022Three-State Opinion Model on Complex TopologiesFerri, Irene; Pérez-Vicente, Conrado, 1962-; Palassini, Matteo; Díaz Guilera, Albert
9-Sep-2022Nanoparticle anisotropy induces sphere-to-cylinder phase transition in block copolymer meltsDiaz, Javier; Pinna, Marco; Zvelindovsky, Andrei V.; Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio
13-Jul-2022The heritability of vocal tract structures estimated from structural MRI in a large cohort of Dutch twinsDediu, Dan; Jennings, Emily M.; van't Ent, Dennis; Moisik, Scott R.; Di Pisa, Grazia; Schulze, Janna; de Geus, Eco J. C.; den Braber, Anouk; Dolan, Conor V.; Boomsma, Dorret I.
6-Jul-2022The long cross-over dynamics of capillary imbibitionRuiz-Gimenez, E.; Armstrong, S.; Leveque, A.; Michel, C.; Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio; Wells, G.G.; Hernández Machado, Aurora; Ledesma Aguilar, Rodrigo Andrés
6-Jun-2022Hydrodynamic and geometric effects in the sedimentation of model run-and-tumble microswimmersScagliarini, Andrea; Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio
1-Oct-2022COLONOMICS - integrative omics data of one hundred paired normal-tumoral samples from colon cancer patientsDíez Villanueva, Anna; Sanz Pamplona, Rebeca; Solé, Xevi; Cordero, David; Crous Bou, Marta; Guinó, Elisabet; López Dóriga Guerra, Adriana; Berenguer, Antoni; Aussó, Susanna; Paré, Laia; Obón Santacana, Mireia; Moratalla Navarro, Ferran; Salazar Soler, Ramón; Sanjuan, Xavier; Santos, Cristina; Biondo, Sebastián; Diez Obrero, Virginia; Garcia Serrano, Ainhoa; Alonso Aguado, Maria Henar; Carreras Torres, Robert; Closa, Adria; Moreno Aguado, Víctor
24-Jun-2022Scale‑free behavioral cascades and effective leadership in schooling fishMúgica, Julia; Torrents, Jordi; Cristín, Javier; Puy, Andreu; Miguel López, María del Carmen; Pastor Satorras, Romualdo
9-Jan-2022Role of Time Scales in the Coupled Epidemic-Opinion Dynamics on Multiplex NetworksJankowski, Robert; Chmiel, Anna
24-Jan-2022Collective durotaxis of cohesive cell clusters on a stiffness gradientPi Jaumà, Irina; Alert Zenón, Ricard; Casademunt i Viader, Jaume
13-Dec-2021Citizen science at public libraries: Data on librarians and users perceptions of participating in a citizen science project in Catalunya, SpainCigarini, Anna; Bonhoure, Isabelle; Vicens, Julián; Perelló, Josep, 1974-
22-Feb-2022Dynamics and interactions of magnetically driven colloidal microrotorsHernández Hernández, Raúl Josué; Fischer, Thomas M.; Tierno, Pietro
17-Nov-2021Hydrodynamic Interactions Can Induce Jamming in Flow-Driven SystemsCereceda-López, Eric; Lips, Dominik; Ortiz-Ambriz, Antonio; Ryabov, Artem; Maass, Philipp; Tierno, Pietro
4-Oct-2021Thermally active nanoparticle clusters enslaved by engineered domain wall trapsTierno, Pietro; Johansen, Tom H.; Straube, Arthur V.
8-Oct-2021Degeneracy and hysteresis in a bidisperse colloidal iceRodríguez Gallo, Carolina; Ortiz-Ambriz, Antonio; Tierno, Pietro
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 91