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Title: International Air Travel and FDI Flows: Evidence from Barcelona
Author: Fageda, Xavier, 1975-
Keywords: Línies aèries
Viatges aeris
Inversions estrangeres
Air travel
Foreign investments
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: This paper provides a bridge between the literature examining the economic impact of air services and the literature analyzing the determinants of bilateral FDI flows. I estimate a gravity equation for the determinants of bilateral FDI flows between the Spanish region of Catalonia, home to the airport of Barcelona, and countries of all over the world for the period 2002 through to 2015. I find evidence that the reduction in travel time due to the availability of non-stop flights scheduled with sufficient frequency increases the amount of FDI due to the enhanced transmission of information
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Journal of Regional Science, 2017, vol. 57, num. 5, p. 858-883
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ISSN: 0022-4146
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Econometria, Estadística i Economia Aplicada)

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