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Title: Billy Budd: from H. Melville to E. M. Forster, or Plutarch's way to Plató
Author: Gilabert Barberà, Pau
Keywords: Filosofia grega
Plutarc. Vides paral·leles
Eros (Divinitat grega)
Literatura americana
Tradició clàssica
Estudis lesbians i gais
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. Billy Budd
Greek philosophy
Platonism Plutarch. Lives
Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970
Eros (Greek deity)
Crozier, Eric, 1914-1994
Classical tradition
Plutarc. Amatorius
Gay and lesbian studies
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. Billy Budd
Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970
Crozier, Eric, 1914-1994
Opera Plutarch. Lives
American literature
Plutarch. Amatorius
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: The aim of this article is to propose and lay the foundations of a Plutarch's way ¿not only his Lives but also his Eroticus- to the Platonic content of Billy Budd by B. Britten with a libretto by E. M. Forster in association with Eric Crozier. Plutarch is not quoted in H. Melville¿s novel, but E. M. Forster¿s good knowledge of the texts by the Greek writer and philosopher makes this hypothesis quite credible
Note: Podeu consultar la versió en català a: ; i en castellà a:
Versió de l'article anteriorment publicat a: Actas del VIII Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas. Barcelona: Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas, 2005 -- p. 737-746
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Appears in Collections:Comunicacions a congressos (Filologia Clàssica, Romànica i Semítica)

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