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Title: Black holes by analytic continuation
Author: Amati, D.
Russo, J. G. (Jorge Guillermo)
Keywords: Relativitat general (Física)
Forats negres (Astronomia)
General relativity (Physics)
Black holes (Astronomy)
Issue Date: 1997
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: In the context of a two-dimensional exactly solvable model, the dynamics of quantum black holes is obtained by analytically continuing the description of the regime where no black hole is formed. The resulting spectrum of outgoing radiation departs from the one predicted by the Hawking model in the region where the outgoing modes arise from the horizon with Planck-order frequencies. This occurs early in the evaporation process, and the resulting physical picture is unconventional. The theory predicts that black holes will only radiate out an energy of Planck mass order, stabilizing after a transitory period. The continuation from a regime without black hole formationaccessible in the 1+1 gravity theory consideredis implicit in an S-matrix approach and suggests in this way a possible solution to the problem of information loss.
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It is part of: Physical Review D, 1997, vol. 56, núm. 2, p. 974-982
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ISSN: 0556-2821
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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