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Title: Walking family: Programme of parental skills during foster care and reunification. Summary of main findings of the Project I+D EDU2014-52921-C2. [Infographics]
Author: Balsells, M. Àngels
Fuentes-Peláez, Núria
Pastor Vicente, Crescencia
Amorós, Pere
Ponce, Carmen
Molina, M. Cruz (María Cruz)
del Campo, Jaime
Mateos Inchaurrondo, Ainoa
Sanz, Clara
Vaquero Tió, Eduard
Mateo Gomà, María Isabel
Urrea Monclús, Aída
Mundet Bolós, Anna
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Julio
Parra Ramajo, Belén
Milani, Paola
Vázquez Álvarez, Noelia
Sebba, Judy
Cojocaru, Daniela
Almeida, Ana
Fernández, José Miguel
Martins, P. C.
Navajas, Alicia
Carneiro, Ana Maria
Fernández-Rodrigo, Laura
Ciurana, Anna
Pérez, Sara
Magalhães, Laura
Keywords: Acolliment familiar
Relacions familiars
Pares i fills
Foster home care
Family relationships
Parent and child
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Walking Family is a support programme for specific parenting skills in foster care and reunification. Its main aim is to promote the acceptance and involvement of the welfare measure and to foster and strengthen reunification. One of the most relevant aspects of the programme is its group methodology, as it can be used to convey effective coping strategies for everyday problems. Walking Family is characterised by three cornerstones of innovation: positive parenting and child welfare, child participation and family resilience. The programme is developed over 5 modules, each containing 3 sessions. Each session offers activities to do with the children, with the parents and with the family as a unit.
Note: Podeu consultar la versió castellana, francesa i portuguesa al recurs relacionat.
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Appears in Collections:Documents de treball / Informes (Grup de Recerca sobre Intervencions Socioeducatives en la Infància i la Joventut (GRISIJ))

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