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Title: Hyperon-Nucleon Interactions from Quantum Chromodynamics and the Composition of Dense Nuclear Matter
Author: Beane, Silas R.
Chang, Emmanuel
Cohen, S. D.
Detmold, William
Lin, H. W.
Luu, Thomas C.
Orginos, Kostas
Parreño García, Assumpta
Savage, Martin J.
Walker-Loud, André
NPLQCD Collaboration
Keywords: Cromodinàmica quàntica
Quantum chromodynamics
Issue Date: 23-Oct-2012
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: The low-energy n Σ − interactions determine, in part, the role of the strange quark in dense matter, such as that found in astrophysical environments. The scattering phase shifts for this system are obtained from a numerical evaluation of the QCD path integral using the technique of lattice QCD. Our calculations, performed at a pion mass of m π ∼ 389     MeV in two large lattice volumes and at one lattice spacing, are extrapolated to the physical pion mass using effective field theory. The interactions determined from lattice QCD are consistent with those extracted from hyperon-nucleon experimental data within uncertainties and strengthen model-dependent theoretical arguments that the strange quark is a crucial component of dense nuclear matter.
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It is part of: Physical Review Letters, 2012, vol. 109, num. 17, p. 172001
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ISSN: 0031-9007
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB))

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