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Title: Amphoric epigraphy and Roman Open Data: Laietanian wine amphorae as a case study
Author: Palacín Copado, Carlos
Pérez González, Jordi
Remesal Rodríguez, José
Keywords: Àmfores
Arqueologia clàssica
Classical antiquities
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2017
Abstract: A Data Visualization & Exploratory interface built in the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant Project EPNet, to foster the exploration of one of the richest database for amphorae and epigraphy, promoting the Open Science principles and practices in the context of Digital Humanities.
It is part of: Pòster presentat a: European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC), 15th edition. Universitat de Barcelona (16-18 de setembre de 2017)
Appears in Collections:Comunicacions a congressos / Jornades (Història i Arqueologia)

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