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Title: Flow dimensions on daily activities with the Spanish version of the flow scale (DFS)
Author: Rufí Cano, Sergi
Javaloy, Federico
Batista-Foguet, Joan M
Solanas Pérez, Antonio
Páez, Dario
Keywords: Estudiants universitaris
Psicologia social
College students
Social psychology
Issue Date: 7-May-2014
Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Abstract: A sample of 250 students of psychology with an average age of 20.37 years, answered the Flow Q questionnaire indicating their favorite flow activity, and the Spanish version of the Dispositional Flow Scale (DFS). A confirmatory factor analysis assessed the DFS construct validity of the flow model on daily activities. Both a hierarchical model of eight first order factors reflecting a second order global flow factor, and a model with eight formative first order flow dimensions, showed good fit and discriminant power. Most optimal activities were found to be individual and structured, such as studying, reading and certain forms of individual sports. Leisure activities turned out to be more rewarding than studying. Sports displayed more flow, clear goals, merging of action and awareness, and autotelic experience. Reading also showed more flow, balance of challenge and skills, feedback, merging of action and awareness, and loss of self-consciousness. On the other hand, studying displayed less flow, merging of action and awareness, and autotelic experience.
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It is part of: Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2014, vol. 17, p. 1-11
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ISSN: 1138-7416
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Psicologia Social i Psicologia Quantitativa)

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