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Title: Complementary Materials for CLIL Course in Chemistry and English: Iodometric Titrations (audio, power points and instructions)
Other Titles: Material d'audio, de presentacions power point i instruccions adicionals per el professorat del curs de AICLE-CLIL en química i anglès de valoracions iodomètriques
Author: Navés, Teresa
Bedford, Nick
Keywords: Anglès
Química analítica
Ensenyament d'idiomes
Issue Date: 31-Aug-2007
Abstract: Material d'audio, de presentacions power point i instruccions adicionals per el professorat del curs de AICLE-CLIL en química i anglès de valoracions iodomètriques
Appears in Collections:OMADO (Objectes i MAterials DOcents)

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
Module 0 Aims.mp3Listening Module 0. Stds material. Recording by Nick Bedford375.94 kBaudio/basicView/Open
Module 0 Introduction.mp3Listening Module 0: Introduction. Stds material. Recording by Nick Bedford2.49 MBaudio/basicView/Open
Module 0 Key Terms.mp3Listening Module 0: Key Terms. Stds material. Recording by Nick Bedford869.41 kBaudio/basicView/Open
Fact File 1 Presentation.pptFact File 1. Power Point Presentation. Complementary Material. Teacher's material319 kBMicrosoft PowerpointView/Open
Fact File 2 Presentation.pptFact File 2. Power Point Presentation. Complementary Material. Teacher's material1.71 MBMicrosoft PowerpointView/Open
Barreiro2007CLILTeachInstrucs.pdfChemistry Coursebook. Teacher's instructions. CLIL. Iodometric Titrations. English and Chemistry476.24 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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