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Title: Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy associated with contactin-1 antibodies in a child
Author: Carrera-García, Laura
Natera de Benito, Daniel
Lleixà, Cinta
Ortez, Carlos Ignacio
Colomer, Jordi
Nascimento, Andrés
Saiz Hinarejos, Albert
Dalmau Obrador, Josep
Querol, Luis
Armangué, Thaís
Keywords: Infermeria traumatològica
Nursing wounds and injuries
Issue Date: 24-Jul-2019
Publisher: American Academy of Neurology
Abstract: A previously healthy 2-year and 9-month old boy was brought to the emergency department for a 6-day history of weakness in the legs and frequent falls, rendering him unable to walk 1 day before admission. He did not have pain, dysphagia, bladder dysfunction, or sensory symptoms. There was no history of trauma, but he developed diarrhea 3 days before symptom onset. Family history was negative for consanguinity or neurologic diseases. At examination, he had bilateral leg weakness requiring substantial aid to walk a few steps and was unable to stand up from the floor. He had absent tendon reflexes in the lower extremities and flexor plantar responses. Strength and reflexes in upper extremities and the rest of the examination were normal. CSF showed a protein concentration of 125 mg/dL (NR: 15-45), with normal white blood cell count and glucose concentration.
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It is part of: Neurology. Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 2019, vol. 6, num. 5, p. 602
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ISSN: 2332-7812
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Medicina)
Articles publicats en revistes (IDIBAPS: Institut d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)

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