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Title: An operational definition of day trips: methodological proposal and application to the case of the province of Barcelona
Author: Suriñach Caralt, Jordi
Casanovas Pla, Josep Andreu
André, Marién
Murillo Viu, Joaquín
Romaní Fernández, Javier, 1969-
Keywords: Geografia del turisme
Turisme urbà
Circulació urbana
Barcelona (Catalunya : Província)
Tourism geography
Urban tourism
Urban traffic
Barcelona (Catalonia : Province)
Issue Date: Sep-2019
Publisher: IP Publishing
Abstract: The day tripper (or day visitor) is a visitor type that represents a high proportion of total visitor trips; however, unlike the tourist, few studies focus their attention specifically on them. Additionally, there is currently a marked deficit of methodological specificity in the definition of the concept and the quantification procedures used in its study. This article examines the various definitions proposed to date of the 'day trip', highlighting this lack of specificity, above all with regard to the concept of usual environment. It then proposes a specific methodology for the quantification of day trips in small areas, without discounting official statistics, but seeking to make it independent of other variables (including the size of a territory). We propose linking usual environment with belonging to the same urban system. The article concludes by applying our proposal to the case of the province of Barcelona.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Tourism Economics, 2019, vol. 25, num. 6, p. 964-986
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ISSN: 1354-8166
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Econometria, Estadística i Economia Aplicada)

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