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Title: Estudi demogràfic del present i passat de la població d’Andorra
Author: Martorell Colom, Mireia
Director/Tutor: Costa Cor, Teresa
Keywords: Demografia històrica
Treballs de fi de grau
Population -- Histoire
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Abstract: [cat] Andorra és un país petit amb una població estimada de 77052 habitants, segons les últimes dades publicades pel Departament d’Estadística a l’agost de 2019. En aquest treball s’ha realitzat un anàlisi de l’evolució i les característiques de la població andorrana en els últims anys a partir del comportament dels principals fenòmens demogràfics: mortalitat, fecunditat, nupcialitat i migracions. S’ha construït una taula de mortalitat de moment per descriure el comportament recent d’aquest fenomen i obtenir l’esperança de vida al naixement. Les immigracions han jugat un paper decisiu en la dinàmica de la població d’Andorra, intervenint en el seu creixement i afectant a l’estructura per edat i sexes. Per contextualitzar aquest estudi demogràfic s’han anat comparant els diferents indicadors obtinguts amb els d’altres poblacions del seu voltant.
[eng] Andorra is a small country with an estimated population of 77052, according to the latest data published for the “Departament d’Estadística d’Andorra” in August 2019, calculated from the population registered in the towns censuses and crossing this information with other administrative sources. This work has analyzed the evolution and characteristics of the Andorran population in recent years based on the behavior of the main demographic phenomena: mortality, fertility, nuptiality and migrations. Different topics have been addressed such as the structure and change of the Andorran population, performing calculations such as the absolute growth; the cumulative annual growth rate; the sex ratio; the different proportions of populations (young, adult and old); aging and dependence ratios, longevity index and the mean age. Population pyramids have been used as a graphical instrument to study the changes in age/sex distribution in this population in recent years. A period mortality study has been performed in terms of indicators such as the crude death rate; infant mortality rate and age-specific death rates. An abridged mortality table has been built so far to describe the recent behavior of this phenomenon and obtain life expectancy at birth. In the analysis of the fertility, a study of the intensity and timing of this phenomenon has been made, as well as of the reproductivity for women in Andorra. Calculations such as the crude birth rate; the general fertility rate; age-specific fertility rates; the total fertility rate; the gross reproduction rate; the net reproduction rate and the mean age at childbearing have been performed. In the nuptiality analysis, the calculated period indicators have been the crude marriage rate; the mean age at marriage; weddings by sex; legal and religious ceremonies and marriages by nationality of the spouses. Immigrations have played a decisive role in the dynamics of the population of Andorra, affecting their growth and the age and sex structure. In analyzing the migratory phenomenon, the evolution of the net migration in Andorra has been studied; foreign population and their composition. To contextualize this demographic study, the different indicators obtained of Andorra have been compared with those of other closer populations Spain, Catalonia and Lleida.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau en Estadística UB-UPC, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa (UB) i Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (UPC), Curs: 2019-2020. Tutor: Teresa Costa Cor
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Estadística UB-UPC

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