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Title: Robotic kidney transplantation using right-versus left-sided grafts from living donors: an european multicentre experience (ERUS-RAKT working group)
Author: Vignolini, Graziano
Campi, Riccardo
Decaestecker, Karel
Greco, Isabella
Tugcu, Volkan
Musquera i Felip, Mireia
Territo, Angelo
Gausa, Luis
Randon, Caren
Randon, C.
Stöckle, Michael
Zeuschner, Philip
Fornara, Paolo
Mohammed, Nasreldin
Vigués i Julià, Francesc
Barod, Ravi
Banga, Neal
Alcaraz Asensio, Antonio
Serni, Sergio
Breda, Alberto
Doumerc, Nicolas
Keywords: Ronyó
Robòtica en medicina
Trasplantament renal
Robotics in medicine
Kidney transplantation
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Introduction: RAKT from living donors (LD) is increasingly performedin selected centers with experience in robotic surgery and kidneytransplantation (KT). Of note, KT from LD using right-sided graft (RSG)is challenging due to the brevity of the right renal vein and has beenassociated with a higher riskof perioperative complications in selectedseries. In this scenario, RAKT may facilitate the performance ofvascular anastomoses in case of short renal vessels thanks to theadvantages of the robotic platform. However, the evidence on thesafety and feasibility of RAKT using RSGs is lacking. The aim of thisstudy is to compare the surgical andearly perioperative outcomes after RAKT from LD using right- vs. left-sided grafts in a large prospectivemulticenter cohort (ERUS-RAKT working group).
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: European Urology Open Science, 2020, vol. 20, num. 2, p. S101-S101
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ISSN: 2666-1683
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Cirurgia i Especialitats Medicoquirúrgiques)
Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Clíniques)

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