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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 752
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Jul-2024Caracterización de los accidentes de trabajo mortales y el papel de la inteligencia artificial en la estrategia preventivaAlujas Ruiz, Joan Antoni; Franco Sala, Luis
Jul-2024E-Government and provision of public services: Economic, social, and political determinants of citizen complaintsSebö, Marianna; Bel i Queralt, Germà, 1963-
Sep-2024Re-organizing the service-delivery machine in a “post-NPM” era: A shopping-basket approach?Bel i Queralt, Germà, 1963-; Casula, Mattia
1-Jul-2024Going separate ways: Ex-post interdependence and the dissolution of collaborative relationsElston, Thomas; Rackwitz, Maike; Bel i Queralt, Germà, 1963-
13-Dec-2023Impact of home and leisure accident rates on disability and costs of long-term care in spain according the Edad 2020 surveyAyuso, Mercedes; Rey Gámez, Lorena; Guillén, Montserrat
2023Resilience to health shocks and the spatial extent of local labour markets: evidence from the Covid-19 outbreak in ItalyBorsati, Mattia; Cascarano, Michele; Percoco, Marco
28-Sep-2023Should Selection of the Optimum Stochastic Mortality Model Be Based on the Original or the Logarithmic Scale of the Mortality Rate?Santolino, Miguel
Jul-2024What happens when the tasks dry up? Exploring the impact of medical technology on workforce planningMaynou Pujolràs, Laia; McGuire, Alistair J.; Serra-Sastre, Victoria
2022Expected, unexpected, good and bad aggregate uncertaintyUribe Gil, Jorge Mario; Chuliá Soler, Helena
23-Feb-2024Desigualdad de la incertidumbre económica subjetiva y perspectivas económicas individuales durante la pandemiaGuillen, Montserrat; Santolino, Miguel; Vidal Llana, Juan José
Jun-2024Effects of the COVID-19 tourism crisis on the Spanish economyVayá, Esther; García-Sanchis, José Ramón; Suriñach Caralt, Jordi; Pons Fanals, Ernest
1-Mar-2024Evaluating quality of life in pediatric palliative care: a cross-sectional analysis of children’s and parents’ perspectivesToro, Daniel del; Limonero, Joaquin T.; Guillén, Montserrat; Bolancé Losilla, Catalina; Navarro Vilarrubí, Sergi; Camprodon-Rosanas, Ester
1-Jan-2024Flight ticket taxes in Europe: Environmental and economic impactBernardo, Valeria; Fageda, Xavier, 1975-; Teixidó-Figueras, Jordi
1-Mar-2024Assessing the Farm-Nonfarm Households' Income Gap along the Income Distribution in the European UnionMarino, Maria; Rocchi, Benedetto; Severini, Simone
Jul-2024Paying for protection: Bilateral trade with an alliance leader and defense spending of minor partnersAlbalate, Daniel, 1980-; Bel i Queralt, Germà, 1963-; Mazaira-Font, Ferran A.; Ros-Oton, Xavier
2024Local government reform beyond privatization and amalgamation: Advances in the analysis of inter-municipal cooperation  Bel i Queralt, Germà, 1963-; Elston, Thomas; Esteve, Maria; Petersen, Ole Helby
Jul-2024Extent and dynamics of the remunicipalisation of public servicesBel i Queralt, Germà, 1963-; Reeves, Eoin
1-Apr-2024Images say more than just words: visual versus text communication to dispel a rent-control misconceptionBrandts, Jordi; Busom, Isabel; Lopez-Mayan, Cristina; Panadés Martí, Judit
Nov-2024Efficient likelihood estimation of Heston model for novel climate-related financial contracts valuationBlanc-Blocquel, Augusto; Ortiz Gracia, Luis; Oviedo, Rodolfo J.
1-Apr-2024Daily Growth at Risk: financial or real drivers? The answer is not always the sameChuliá Soler, Helena; Garrón, Ignacio; Uribe Gil, Jorge Mario
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 752