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Title: Feromona collective: Construir un Taula d’Air Hockey
Author: Carmona Maura, Jordi
Director/Tutor: Anson, Martí, 1967-
Keywords: Arts
Apropiació (Art)
Treballs de fi de grau
Appropiation (Art)
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: 10-Jun-2020
Abstract: [cat] Des de Feromona Collective treballem amb el que tenim i trobem com podem per a fer coses que esperem que la gent entengui. Explorem la figura del bricoleur en tant que productor, l’aprofitament i el sentit polític que aquesta manera de funcionar suposa. Les nostres peces no busquen grans reflexions sinó que són assajos de petites idees. Aquestes venen donades per l’atzar, el temps i l’entorn, fent que haguem de modificar el nostre projecte degut a les circumstàncies extraordinàries que ens trobem. A dia d’avui, la pandèmia COVID-19 ens ha portat a entendre el confinament com a material. El nostre treball col·lectiu ha quedat partit en dos parts individuals.
[eng] From Feromona Collective we work with the resources we have and we find, as good as we can, in order to make things that people hopefully understand. We explore the bricoleur as a way to produce, repurposing and the polytic implications that this way of working has. Our works are small sketches on reality rather than profound questionings. Ous ideas come by chance and what we find around us, which makes us adapt and modify each and every project in order to fit to the current conditions. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve had to adopt it as a material conditionin the project. Our work as a collective has split up in two separate individual parts.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Anson, Martí, 1967-
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Belles Arts

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