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Title: A single-cell tumor immune atlas for precision oncology
Author: Nieto, Paula
Elosua Bayes, Marc
Trincado, Juan L.
Marchese, Domenica
Massoni Badosa, Ramon
Salvany, Maria
Henriques, Ana
Nieto, Juan
Aguilar Fernández, Sergio
Mereu, Elisabetta
Moutinho, Cátia
Ruiz, Sara
Lorden, Patricia
Chin, Vanessa T.
Kaczorowski, Dominik
Chan, Chia-Ling
Gallagher, Richard
Chou, Angela
Planas Rigol, Ester
Rubio Perez, Carlota
Gut, Ivo G.
Piulats, Josep M.
Seoane, Joan
Powell, Joseph E.
Batlle, Eduard
Heyn, Holger
Keywords: Immunitat cel·lular
Cellular immunity
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2021
Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Abstract: The tumor immune microenvironment is a main contributor to cancer progression and a promising therapeutic target for oncology. However, immune microenvironments vary profoundly between patients, and biomarkers for prognosis and treatment response lack precision. A comprehensive compendium of tumor immune cells is required to pinpoint predictive cellular states and their spatial localization. We generated a single-cell tumor immune atlas, jointly analyzing published data sets of >500,000 cells from 217 patients and 13 cancer types, providing the basis for a patient stratification based on immune cell compositions. Projecting immune cells from external tumors onto the atlas facilitated an automated cell annotation system. To enable in situ mapping of immune populations for digital pathology, we applied SPOTlight, combining single-cell and spatial transcriptomics data and identifying colocalization patterns of immune, stromal, and cancer cells in tumor sections. We expect the tumor immune cell atlas, together with our versatile toolbox for precision oncology, to advance currently applied stratification approaches for prognosis and immunotherapy.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Genome Research, 2021, vol. 31, num. 10, p. 1913-1926
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ISSN: 1088-9051/21
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))
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