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Title: Ítaca, retorn a l’origen
Author: Novés Alejandro, Laia
Director/Tutor: Vallverdú, Jaume R. (Jaume Ros), 1954-
Keywords: Arts
Paisatge en l'art
Treballs de fi de grau
Landscape in art
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: 29-Nov-2021
Abstract: [cat] L’anhel del retorn. La possibilitat de retornar a la natura com si es tractés d’Ítaca, la llar enyorada d’Ulisses, esdevé un desig inversemblant, utòpic, improbable, en un món cada vegada més artificial. Quina és la relació que establim els humans del s. XXI amb la natura? Plantejo aquest projecte com un viatge on poder investigar i pensar de quina manera percebem, pensem i representem el paisatge des de la contemporaneïtat. Com ens influencien i determinen les noves tecnologies a l’hora de per veure’l i percebre’l? Unes tecnologies que també ens permeten explotar-lo, transformar-lo i dominar-lo, encara que la natura sempre acabi oferint resistència. Quines tensions s’estableixen entre allò que considerem natural i allò que cataloguem com a artificial? Cerco en l’escultura el llenguatge que em permeti explorar totes aquestes preguntes fent ús de dos materials: la pedra i l’aigua. La pedra, per ser un dels elements més antics del planeta terra. L’aigua, per la seva simbologia vinculada a l’origen de la vida.
[eng] The longing of the return. The possibility to return to nature as if it was Ithaca, the home missed by Ulysses, becomes an unlikely desire, utopian, improbable, at an increasingly artificial world. What kind of relationship do humans of the s. XXI establish with nature? I propose this project as a voyage where I can research and think about the ways in which we perceive, think and represent the landscape from contemporaneity. How are new technologies influencing and determining the way in which we look at and perceive it? Technologies that also allow us to exploit, transform and master nature, even though it always ends up offering resistance. Which are the tensions established in between what we consider natural vs. what we catalog as artificial? I seek in sculpture the language that allows me to explore all these questions, using two materials: stone and water. The stone, for being one of the most ancient elements of the planet earth. The water, for its symbology linked to the origin of life.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020-2021, Tutor: Vallverdú, Jaume R. (Jaume Ros), 1954-
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Belles Arts

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