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Title: Comparison of HE4, CA125, ROMA and CPH-I for Preoperative Assessment of Adnexal Tumors
Author: Carreras, Núria
Glickman, Ariel
Munmany, Meritxell
Casanovas, Georgina
Agustí, Núria
Díaz Feijoo, Berta
Saco, Adela
Sánchez, Beatriz
Gaba, Lydia
Rovirosa, Ángeles
Pahisa Fábregas, Jaume
Fernández Galán, Esther
Torné Bladé, Aureli
Fusté, Pere
Keywords: Marcadors tumorals
Càncer d'ovari
Tumor markers
Ovarian cancer
Issue Date: 17-Jan-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: (1) OBJECTIVE: To assess the performance of CA125, HE4, ROMA index and CPH-I index to preoperatively identify epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) or metastatic cancer in the ovary (MCO). (2) METHODS: single center retrospective study, including women with a diagnosis of adnexal mass. We obtained the AUC, sensitivity, specificity and predictive values were of HE4, CA125, ROMA and CPH-I for the diagnosis of EOC and MCO. Subgroup analysis for women harboring adnexal masses with inconclusive diagnosis of malignancy by ultrasound features and Stage I EOC was performed. (3) RESULTS: 1071 patients were included, 852 (79.6%) presented benign/borderline tumors and 219 (20.4%) presented EOC/MCO. AUC for HE4 was higher than for CA125 (0.91 vs. 0.87). No differences were seen between AUC of ROMA and CPH-I, but they were both higher than HE4 AUC. None of the tumor markers alone achieved a sensitivity of 90%; HE4 was highly specific (93.5%). ROMA showed a sensitivity and specificity of 91.1% and 84.6% respectively, while CPH-I showed a sensitivity of 91.1% with 79.2% specificity. For patients with inconclusive diagnosis of malignancy by ultrasound features and with Stage I EOC, ROMA showed the best diagnostic performance (4) CONCLUSIONS: ROMA and CPH-I perform better than tumor markers alone to identify patients harboring EOC or MCO. They can be helpful to assess the risk of malignancy of adnexal masses, especially in cases where ultrasonographic diagnosis is challenging (stage I EOC, inconclusive diagnosis of malignancy by ultrasound features).
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It is part of: Diagnostics, 2022, vol. 12, num. 1, p. 226
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ISSN: 2075-4418
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Articles publicats en revistes (Cirurgia i Especialitats Medicoquirúrgiques)
Articles publicats en revistes (IDIBAPS: Institut d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)

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