Màster Oficial - Física dels Sistemes Complexos i Biofísica Collection home page

Treballs Finals del Màster en Física dels Sistemes Complexos i Biofísica de la Facultat de Física de la Universitat de Barcelona.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2023Inverse inference of a quantum spin glassTorres Hugas, Lluís
May-2023Self-regulation of a network of Kuramoto oscillatorsPirker Díaz, Paula
Jun-2023Dynamics and critical behaviour of neuronal cultures grown on topographical patterns with fractal structureOlives Verger, Mireia
Jun-2023Validation and Refinement of a Laminar Neural Mass Model Using in vivo Mice DataMoreno Fina, Martina
Jun-2023Non-reciprocal interactions in the XY ModelMazzanti Tarancón, David
Jun-2023Viscosity of blood at the microscale infected by Plasmodium falciparumMasó Castro, Nil
Jun-2023Assembly and dynamics of propelling ferromagnetic colloidsManzano González, Andrés Javier
Jun-2023Developing modified Lotka-Volterra models to simulate in vitro clonal dynamicsJurado Rodríguez, Imanol
Aug-2023The community structure of the geometric soft configuration modelGonzález Gea, Viktor
Jul-2023Statistical Mechanics of non−reciprocally interacting Ising spinsGarcés Ortiz, Adrià
Aug-2023Mapping opinion landscapes: analyzing network structures in climate change debates on TwitterCastillo Uviña, Javier
Jun-2023Mesoscale Building Blocks of Pedestrian Mobility: a Discrete Vector Field ApproachBenassai Dalmau, Robert
Jul-2022The odd weight of granular packings: Effect of grain geometryZamorano Vega, Iker
Jul-2022Motility-Induced Phase Separation of harmonic Active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles fulfilling Detailed BalanceTetro, Lior
Jun-2022Entropy production of DNA-translocating molecular motorsRodríguez Franco, Víctor
Jul-2022Computational study of neuronal networks with spatial constraints by means of the Izhikevich modelGüell Paule, Guillem
Jul-2022Pricing methods for barrier optionsGuarch Termens, Marc Enric
Jun-2022Noise induced phenomena in ecological modelsColet Díaz, Clara
Jul-2022Ancient regional transportation infrastructures as co-evolving complex systems: a multiplex network approachCandelas Peñalba, Pablo
Jul-2022Water-methanol mixture under confinementBellido Peralta, Roger
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20