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Title: Stability of syzygy bundles on abelian varieties
Author: Caucci, Federico
Lahoz Vilalta, Martí
Keywords: Geometria algebraica
Varietats abelianes
Algebraic geometry
Abelian varieties
Issue Date: Aug-2021
Publisher: London Mathematical Society
Abstract: We prove that the kernel of the evaluation morphism of global sections namely the syzygy bundle of a sufficiently ample line bundle on an abelian variety is stable. This settles a conjecture of Ein-Lazarsfeld-Mustopa, in the case of abelian varieties.
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It is part of: Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2021, vol. 53, num. 4, p. 1030-1036
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ISSN: 0024-6093
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Matemàtiques i Informàtica)

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