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Title: Advances in the research of new biosurfactants and their potential use in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry
Author: Burgos Díaz, César
Piqué i Clusella, Núria
Manresa Presas, Ma. Ángeles (María Ángeles)
Marqués Villavecchia, Ana M.
Keywords: Farmacologia
Agents tensioactius
Surface active agents
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Transworld Research Network
Abstract: Biosurfactants (BS) are a structurally diverse group of surface-active substances produced by microorganisms. Interest in BS production has markedly increased during the past decade, although large-scale production has not been possible because of low production yields and high total costs. At present, BS have gained importance in environmental applications, while new applications in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, cosmetic and food industry, with a high added value, are still developing. This article describes classical and new BS producer bacteria together with their new BS applications. With these specialized and costeffective applications, BS can be considered as an interesting option for the near future.
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Note: Reproducció del capítol 9 del llibre publicat a:
It is part of: Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences II, 2012, Editor: Diego Muñoz-Torrero, Diego Haro and Joan Vallès, Chapter 9, p. 151-167.
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Appears in Collections:Llibres / Capítols de llibre (Biologia, Sanitat i Medi Ambient)

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