Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Astronomia i Meteorologia Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 72
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Sep-2011Large scale structure with Lyman-alpha absorption surveysFont Ribera, Andreu
20-Mar-2006Star formation in cluster environments at Mm and Submm wavelenghtsPalau Puigvert, Aina
25-Sep-2007Experiments i models relativistes per a l'astrometria òptica des de l'espai. Aplicació a la missió Gaia.Anglada Escudé, Guillem
20-Dec-2010Timing the chemical evolution of the dense gas in high-mass star forming regionsBusquet Rico, Gemma
7-Jun-2009Suspended particulate matter and wet deposition fluxes in regional background stations of the Iberian Peninsula : a detailed study of african dust outbreaksEscudero Tellechea, Miguel
14-Oct-2009Microquasar jets and their interaction with the medium: theoretical studies and observations with the MAGIC telescopeBordas Coma, Pol
20-Apr-2006A new classification of gamma-ray bursts and its cosmological implicationsBalastegui Manso, Andreu
26-Sep-1995Modeling the gravitational clustering in hierarchical scenarios of structure formationManrique Oliva, Alberto
3-Dec-1992Contribució a l'estudi del rentat de l'atmosfera per la plujaCodina, Bernat
1-Dec-2008Evolución de los extremos hídricos en Catalunya en los últimos 500 años y su modelización regionalBarrera Escoda, Antonio
28-Jul-2004Estudio de sistemas convectivos mesoscalares en la zona mediterránea occidental mediante el uso del radar meteorológicoRigo, Tomeu
27-Jun-2008Integral spectroscopy of black hole transients and multi-wavelengh study of a new accreting binary systemCaballero García, María Dolores
17-Oct-2016Observational and theoretical study of the interaction of relativistic winds from young pulsars with inhomogeneous stellar windsParedes Fortuny, Xavier
10-Dec-2015Modeling the atmospheric boundary layer in stably stratified conditions and over complex terrain areas: from mesoscale to LESUdina Sistach, Mireia
1-Feb-2016Implementation of a high resolution regional ocean model for investigating air-sea interaction in the Mediterranean AreaShinde, Mahesh
27-Jan-2016Caracterització de la contaminació lumínica en zones protegides i urbanesRibas, Salvador J., 1978-
5-Feb-2016Subsynoptic characterization of tropopause fold structure with glogal data anlyses and mesoscale WRF simulationsMateu i Santaeulària, Mireia
9-Feb-2016Improvement of seasonal forecasting techniques applied to water resources and forest firesMarcos Matamoros, Raül
29-Jan-2016Calibration and combination of seasonal climate predictions in tropical and extratropical regionalsLage Rodrigues, Luis Ricardo
5-Feb-2016Analytic derivation of non-linear dark matter clustering from the filtering of the primordial density fieldJuan Rovira, Enric
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 72