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dc.contributor.advisorMarín Solano, Jesús-
dc.contributor.advisorNavas, Jorge-
dc.contributor.authorDe Paz Monfort, Abel-
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat de Barcelona. Departament de Matemàtica Econòmica, Financera i Actuarial-
dc.description.abstract[eng]In Chapter 2 we extend the heterogeneous discounting model introduced in Marín-Solano and Patxot (2012) to a stochastic environment. Our main contribution in this chapter is to derive the DPE providing time-consistent solution for both the discrete and continuous time case. For the continuous time problem we derive the DPE following the two different procedures described above: the formal limiting procedure and the variational approach. However, an important limitation of these approaches is that the DPE obtained is a functional equation with a nonlocal term. As a consequence, it becomes very complicated to find solutions, not only analytically, but also numerically. For this reason, we also derive a set of two coupled partial differential equations which allows us to compute (analytically or numerically) the solutions for different economic problems. In particular, we are interested in analyzing how time-inconsistent preferences with heterogeneous discounting modify the classical consumption and portfolio rules (Merton (1971)). The introduction of stochastic terminal time is also discussed. In Chapter 3, the results of Chapter 2 are extended in several ways. First, we consider that the decision maker is subject to a mortality risk. Within this context, we derive the optimal consumption, investment and life insurance rules for an agent whose concern about both the bequest left to her descendants and her wealth at retirement increases with time. To this end we depart from the model in Pliska and Ye (2007) generalizing the individual time preferences by incorporating heterogeneous discount functions. In addition, following Kraft (2003), we derive the wealth process in terms of the portfolio elasticity with respect to the traded assets. This approach allows us to introduce options in the investment opportunity set as well as to enlarge it by any number of contingent claims while maintaining the analytical tractability of the model. Finally, we analyze how the standard solutions are modified depending on the attitude of the agent towards her changing preferences, showing the differences with some numerical illustrations. In Chapter 4 we extend the heterogeneous discount framework to the study of differential games with heterogeneous agents, i.e., agents who exhibit different instantaneous utility functions and different (but constant) discount rates of time preference. In fact, although the non-standard models have usually focused on individual agents, the framework has proved to be useful in the study of cooperative solutions for some standard discounting differential games. Our main contribution in this chapter is to provide a set of DPE in discrete and continuous time in order to obtain time-consistent cooperative solutions for $N$-person differential games with heterogeneous agents. The results are applied to the study of a cake eating problem describing the management of a common property exhaustible natural resource. The extension to a simple common renewable natural resource in infinite horizon is also discussed. Finally, in Chapter 5, we present a summary of the main results of the thesis.-
dc.format.extent139 p.-
dc.publisherUniversitat de Barcelona-
dc.rights(c) de, 2012-
dc.sourceTesis Doctorals - Departament - Matemàtica Econòmica, Financera i Actuarial-
dc.subject.classificationMatemàtica financera-
dc.subject.otherBusiness mathematics-
dc.titleHeterogeneous discounting. Time consistency in investment and insurance models-
dc.identifier.dlB. 29475-2013-
Appears in Collections:Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Matemàtica Econòmica, Financera i Actuarial

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