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dc.contributor.authorJulià Brugués, Ramón-
dc.contributor.authorRiera i Mora, Santiago-
dc.description.abstract[cat]Els treballs arqueològics duts a terme al solar localitzat entre la plaça de Pau Vila i els carrers del Dr. Aiguader i de la Marquesa, al peu del baluard del Migdia, han permès descriure l'evolució geoarqueològica d'un tram del front marítim de Barcelona i generar dades fiables de la configuració de la façana litoral. Sota una potent capa de sorres, s'identificà un paquet de llims i argiles orgàniques característiques d'un medi de baixa energia; és a dir, protegit de l'onatge marí probablement per barres sorrenques. Aquesta seqüència presenta una cronologia entre finals del segle IX i ca. 1440, moment en què es realitzaren els primers intents de construcció d'estructures portuàries. En aquest nivell llimoargilós s'han dut a terme analítiques paleoambientals consistents en l'estudi pol·línic, sedimentològic i geoquímic dels sediments que han posat en evidència els canvis ambientals del front marítim barceloní, del paisatge vegetal del pla, com també de les activitats agrícoles i productives urbanes en època medieval i inicis de l'edat moderna. La informació així obtinguda ha estat contrastada amb la informació històrica. [eng]The archaeological work conducted at the site located at the foot of the Baluard del Migdia bastion between Plaça Pau Vila and Carrer Dr. Aiguader and Carrer Marquesa has provided the opportunity to describe the geoarchaeological evolution of a stretch of the seafront of Barcelona and to generate reliable data on the configuration of the coastline. A layer of silt and organic clays typical of a low-energy environment was found below a thick layer of sands. In other words, this packet was protected from the swell of the sea, probably by sandbars. This sequence presents a chronology spanning from the late 9th century BC to around 1440, the time when the first attempts were made to build port structures. This layer of silt and clay has been subjected to palaeoenvironmental analyses consisting of the study of the pollen, sediment and the geochemistry of the sediments. The results of this analysis provide evidence of the environmental changes in the seafront of Barcelona and the landscape in the plain, as well as the urban agricultural and production activities in medieval times and the early modern age. The information obtained has been compared with historical information.-
dc.description.abstract[eng]The archaeological work conducted at the site located at the foot of the Baluard del Migdia bastion between Plaça Pau Vila and Carrer Dr. Aiguader and Carrer Marquesa has provided the opportunity to describe the geoarchaeological evolution of a stretch of the seafront of Barcelona and to generate reliable data on the configuration of the coastline. A layer of silt and organic clays typical of a low-energy environment was found below a thick layer of sands. In other words, this packet was protected from the swell of the sea, probably by sandbars. This sequence presents a chronology spanning from the late 9th century BC to around 1440, the time when the first attempts were made to build port structures. This layer of silt and clay has been subjected to palaeoenvironmental analyses consisting of the study of the pollen, sediment and the geochemistry of the sediments. The results of this analysis provide evidence of the environmental changes in the seafront of Barcelona and the landscape in the plain, as well as the urban agricultural and production activities in medieval times and the early modern age. The information obtained has been compared with historical information.-
dc.format.extent14 p.-
dc.publisherMuseu d'Història de Barcelona (MUHBA)-
dc.relation.isformatofReproducció del document publicat a:
dc.relation.ispartofQUARHIS, 2010, num. 6, p. 164-177-
dc.rights(c) Museu d'Història de Barcelona (MUHBA), 2010-
dc.sourceArticles publicats en revistes (Història i Arqueologia)-
dc.subject.classificationBarcelona (Catalunya)-
dc.subject.classificationEdat mitjana-
dc.subject.classificationHistòria moderna-
dc.subject.otherBarcelona (Catalonia)-
dc.subject.otherMiddle Ages-
dc.subject.otherModern history-
dc.titleUsos del sòl i activitats productives a Barcelona a partir de l"anàlisi paleoambiental de la llacuna litoral medieval del Pa de Palau-
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Història i Arqueologia)

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