Browsing by Subject Developmental genetics

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Showing results 31 to 50 of 52 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Apr-2012Genetic analysis of neural crest migration: Requirement of Dapper2-mediated inhibition of the Wnt canonical activityRabadán Lozano, M. Ángeles
9-Jan-2015Genome-wide analysis of adaptive molecular evolution in the carnivorous plant Utricularia gibbaCarretero Paulet, Lorenzo; Chang, Tien-Hao; Librado Sanz, Pablo; Ibarra Laclette, Enrique; Herrera Estrella, Luís; Rozas Liras, Julio A.; Albert, Victor A. (Victor Anthony), 1964-
21-Sep-2010Genòmica evolutiva de la via de transducció de senyal de la insulina/TOR a insectes i vertebrats.Álvarez Ponce, David
Apr-2001Gradients and regeneration: the case of TNEX59 in planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida)Fernández Rodríguez, Juana; Reigada, S.; Romero Benedí, Rafael; Bueno i Torrens, David, 1965-
22-Mar-2013Identification and functional analysis of new factors that mediate tramtrack's function during Drosophila tracheal system development / Identificación y análisis funcional de nuevos factores que median la función de tramtrack durante el desarrollo del sistema traqueal de DrosophilaRotstein Bajo, Bárbara
Feb-2015Identification of six new susceptibility loci for invasive epithelial ovarian cancerKuchenbaecker, Karoline B.; Ramus, Susan J.; Tyrer, Jonathan P.; Lee, Andrew; Shen, Howard C.; Beesley, Jonathan; Lawrenson, Kate; McGuffog, Lesley; Healey, Sue; Lee, Janet M.; Spindler, Tassja J.; Lin, Yvonne G.; Pejovic, Tanja; Bean, Yukie; Li, Qiyuan; Coetzee, Simon; Hazelett, Dennis; Miron, Alexander; Southey, Melissa C.; Terry, Mary Beth; Goldgar, David E.; Buys, Saundra S.; Janavicius, Ramunas; Dorfling, Cecilia M.; van Rensburg, Elizabeth J.; Neuhausen, Susan L.; Ding, Yuan Chun; Hansen, Thomas V. O.; Jønson, Lars; Gerdes, Anne Marie; Ejlertsen, Bent; Barrowdale, Daniel; Dennis, Joe; Benitez, Javier; Osorio, Ana; Garcia, Maria Jose; Komenaka, Ian; Blanco Guillermo, Ignacio; Lázaro García, Conxi; Pujana Genestar, M. Ángel
Apr-2001Maintenance of A/P body regions in planarians by TCEN49, a putative cystine-knot neurotrophin.Bueno i Torrens, David, 1965-; Vispo Barrón, Marcelo; Sancho, Vanessa; Romero Benedí, Rafael
12-Dec-2014MicroRNA-mediated regulation of p53 in Drosophila: a new role in adaptation to nutrient deprivation = Regulación de p53 por microARNs en Drosophila: una nueva función en la adaptación a la escasez nutricionalBarrio Guerrero, Lara
9-Jul-2013Migració i guiatge cel·lular durant el desenvolupament embrionari de Drosophila melanogaster. Contribució de Hedgehog i Patched.Butí Barceló, Elisenda
30-Oct-2019Nucleotide excision repair genes shaping embryonic developmentAraújo, Sofia J.; Kuraoka, Isao
7-Sep-2018Oikopleura dioica com a model animal per investigar l'impacte de les pèrdues gèniques en l'Evo-Devo: les vies de senyalització de l'àcid retinoic i Wnt com a cas d'estudiMartí Solans, Josep
3-Feb-2016Organogènesi del sistema nerviós i dels òrgans sensorials en el desenvolupament embrionari de la planària Schmidtea polychroaMonjo Luis, Francisco
27-Sep-2012Papel de la proteína Podocalixina en el Sistema NerviosoPérez Martínez, Mª Esther
7-Jan-2013Patterns of nucleotide diversity at the regions encompassing the Drosophila insulin-like peptide (dilp) genes: demography vs positive selection in Drosophila melanogaster.Guirao Rico, Sara; Aguadé Porres, Montserrat
21-Jul-2017Proliferative and positional instructions underliying planarian regeneration and tissue renewal = Instrucciones proliferativas y posicionales subyacentes a la regeneración y el recambio tisular en planariaRojo Laguna, José Ignacio
2005RNA interference is ineffective as a routine method for gene silencing in chick embryos as monitored by fgf8 silencing.Hernández Hernández, Victor; Bueno i Torrens, David, 1965-
23-Jun-2016Stochasticity in space, persistence in time: genetic heterogeneity in harbour populations of the introduced ascidian Styela plicataPineda Torres, Mari Carmen; Lorente, Beatriz; López Legentil, Susanna; Palacín Cabañas, Cruz; Turon Barrera, Xavier
1-Jun-2023Study and characterization of the Drosophila wg(1)-enhancer in development, regeneration and tumorigenesisGracia Latorre, Elena
2006The CdiTESK1 kinase is required for sevenless signaling and photoreceptor cell shape in the Drosophila eyeSesé i Faustino, Marta; Corominas, Montserrat (Corominas Guiu); Stocker, H.; Heino, T.I.; Hafen, E.; Serras Rigalt, Florenci
23-Oct-2015The Identification and the Functional Validation of Eye Development and Regeneration Genes in Schmidtea MediterraneaCalvo Lozano, Beatriz