Browsing by Author Canela Campos, Enric I.

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Showing results 113 to 132 of 158 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Dec-2016Maquillatge a la nova LOMQE?Canela Campos, Enric I.
13-May-2018Màsters impropisCanela Campos, Enric I.
16-Dec-1976Mecanismo cinético de la xantinoxidasa de hígado de buey y de la xantindeshidrogenasa de hígado de polloCanela Campos, Enric I.
May-2001Metabotropic glutamate 1α and adenosine A1 receptors assemble into functionally interacting complexesCiruela Alférez, Francisco; Escriche, Marisol; Burgueño, Javier; Angulo, Ester; Casadó, Vicent; Soloviev, Mikhail M.; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Chan, Wai-Yee; Lluís i Biset, Carme; McIlhinney, R. A. Jeffrey; Franco Fernández, Rafael
8-Jul-2018Millorem l'accés a la universitatCanela Campos, Enric I.
9-Jun-2020Modulation of dopamine D1 receptors via histamine H3 receptors is a novel therapeutic target for Huntington's diseaseMoreno Delgado, David; Puigdellívol Cañadell, Maria del Mar; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Rodríguez Ruiz, Mar; Botta, Joaquín; Gasperini, Paola; Chiarlone, Anna; Howell, Lesley A.; Scarselli, Marco; Casadó, Vicent; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Ferré, Sergi; Guzmán, Manuel; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Alberch i Vié, Jordi, 1959-; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ginés Padrós, Silvia; McCormick, Peter J.
9-Jun-2020Modulation of Dopamine D1 receptors via histamine H3 receptors is a novel therapeutic target for Huntington's diseaseMoreno-Delgado, David; Puigdellívol, Mar; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Mar; Botta, Joaquín; Gasperini, Paola; Chiarlone, Anna; Howell, Lesley A.; Scarselli, Marco; Casadó, Vicent; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Ferré, Sergi; Guzmán, Manuel; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Alberch i Vié, Jordi, 1959-; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ginés, Silvia; McCormick, Peter J.
2-Jun-2018Molecular and functional interaction between GPR18 and cannabinoid CB2 G-protein-coupled receptors. Relevance in neurodegenerative diseasesReyes Resina, Irene; Navarro Brugal, Gemma; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Schoeder, C.T.; Zaluski, M.; Kiec-Kononowicz, K.; Saura Antolín, Carlos A. (Carlos Alberto); Müller, Christa E.; Franco Fernández, Rafael
16-Apr-2004Molecular and functional interactions between adenosine and dopamine receptors. New therapeutic targets for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.Canals Buj, Meritxell
15-Feb-2018Molecular evidence of adenosine deaminase linking adenosine A2A receptor and CD26 proteinsMoreno Guillén, Estefanía; Canet, Júlia; Gracia, Eduard; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Casadó, Vicent
28-Aug-2018N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor link to the MAP kinase pathway in cortical and hippocampal neurons and microglia is dependent on calcium sensors and is blocked by α-synuclein, tau, and phospho-tau in non-transgenic and transgenic APPSw,Ind miceFranco Fernández, Rafael; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Reyes Resina, Irene; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Lillo, Jaume; Tarutani, A.; Hasegawa, M.; Ser Badia, A. del; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Kreutz, Michael R.; Saura Antolín, Carlos A. (Carlos Alberto); Navarro Brugal, Gemma
24-Jan-2020Oligomerización de receptores α₁ᴀ adrenérgicos y receptores dopaminérgicos en el SNC: implicación en la modulación de la atenciónHomar Ruano, Patricia C.
29-Apr-2015Orexin-corticotropin-releasing factor receptor heteromers in the ventral tegmental area as targets for cocaineNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Quiroz, César; Moreno-Delgado, David; Sierakowiak, Adam; McDowell, Kimberly; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Rea, William; Cai, Ning-Sheng; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Howell, Lesley A.; Hausch, Felix; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Casadó, Vicent; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ferré, Sergi; McCormick, Peter J.
24-Dec-2011Per què França lidera la recerca científica pública?Canela Campos, Enric I.
14-Apr-2019Política científica, una gran desconegudaCanela Campos, Enric I.
15-Feb-2006Presynaptic control of striatal glutamatergic neurotransmission by adenosine A1-A2A receptor heteromersCiruela Alférez, Francisco; Casadó, Vicent; Rodrigues Sepúlveda Marques, Ricardo Jorge; Luján, Rafael; Burgueño, Javier; Canals Buj, Meritxell; Borycz, Janusz; Rebola, Nelson; Goldberg, Steven R.; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Canela Campos, Enric I.; López-Giménez, Juan F.; Milligan, Graeme; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Cunha, Rodrigo A.; Ferré, Sergi; Franco Fernández, Rafael
10-Jun-2018Professorat en la misèriaCanela Campos, Enric I.
5-Apr-2016Quaternary structure of a G-protein-coupled receptor heterotetramer in complex with Gi and GsNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Cordomí, Arnau; Zelman-Femiak, Monika; Brugarolas Campillos, Marc; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Pérez-Benito, Laura; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Casadó, Vicent; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Pardo, Leonardo; García-Saez, Ana J.; McCormick, Peter J.; Franco Fernández, Rafael
29-Oct-2011R+D+i, la clau de l'estat del benestarCanela Campos, Enric I.
12-Feb-2017Rànquings i escoles de negociCanela Campos, Enric I.