Browsing by Author Casadó, Vicent

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Showing results 44 to 53 of 53 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Apr-2016Quaternary structure of a G-protein-coupled receptor heterotetramer in complex with Gi and GsNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Cordomí, Arnau; Zelman-Femiak, Monika; Brugarolas Campillos, Marc; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Pérez-Benito, Laura; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Casadó, Vicent; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Pardo, Leonardo; García-Saez, Ana J.; McCormick, Peter J.; Franco Fernández, Rafael
2011Real-time G-protein-coupled receptor imaging to understand and quantify receptor dynamicsAymerich, María Soledad; López-Azcárate, Jon; Bonaventura, Jordi; Navarro Brugal, Gemma; Fernández-Suárez, D.; Casadó, Vicent; Mayor, Federico; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Valencia, Miguel; Artieda, Julio; Franco Fernández, Rafael
4-Sep-2022Reversible photocontrol of dopaminergic transmission in wild-type animalsMatera, Carlo; Calvé, Pablo; Casadó Anguera, Verònica; Sortino, Rosalba; Gomila, Alexandre M.J.; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Gener, Thomas; Delgado-Sallent, Cristina; Nebot, Pau; Costazza, Davide; Conde-Berriozabal, Sara; Masana Nadal, Mercè; Hernando, Jordi; Casadó, Vicent; Puig, M. Victoria; Gorostiza Langa, Pablo Ignacio
25-Apr-2016Significant Role of the Truncated Ghrelin Receptor GHS-1Rb in Ghrelin-Induced Signaling in NeuronsNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Angelats Canals, Edgar; Medrano Moya, Mireia; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Casadó, Vicent; McCormick, Peter J.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Ferré, Sergi
Jan-2018Singular Location and Signaling Profile of Adenosine A2A-Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Heteromers in the Dorsal StriatumMoreno Guillén, Estefanía; Chiarlone, Anna; Medrano Moya, Mireia; Puigdellívol Cañadell, Maria del Mar; Bibic, Lucka; Howell, Lesley A.; Resel, Eva; Puente, Nagore; Casarejos, María J.; Perucho, Juan; Botta, Joaquín; Suelves Caballol, Núria; Ciruela Alférez, Francisco; Ginés Padrós, Silvia; Galve-Roperh, Ismael; Casadó, Vicent; Grandes, P; Lutz, Beat; Monory, Krisztina; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; McCormick, Peter J.; Guzmán, Manuel
2011Striatal pre- and postsynaptic profile of adenosine A2A receptor antagonistsOrrù, Marco; Bakešová, Jana; Brugarolas Campillos, Marc; Quiroz, César; Beaumont, Vahri; Goldberg, Steven R.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Franco Fernández, Rafael; Casadó, Vicent; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ferré, Sergi
2002Synergistic interaction between adenosine A2A and glutamate mGlu5 receptors: Implications for striatal neuronal function.Ferré, Sergi; Karcz-Kubicha, Marzena; Hope, Bruce T.; Popoli, Patrizia P.; Burgueño, Javier; Gutierrez, Angeles M.; Casadó, Vicent; Fuxe, Kjell; Goldberg, Steven R. G; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Franco Fernández, Rafael; Ciruela Alférez, Francisco
5-Apr-2019The endocannabinoid system as a target in cancer diseases: are we there yet?Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Cavic, Milena; Krivokuca, Ana; Casadó, Vicent; Canela Campos, Enric I.
26-Feb-2019Therapeutic targeting of HER2-CB2R heteromers in HER2-positive breast cancerBlasco-Benito, Sandra; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Seijo-Vila, Marta; Tundidor, Isabel; Andradas, Clara; Caffarel, María M.; Caro-Villalobos, Miriam; Urigüen, Leyre; Diez-Alarcia, Rebeca; Moreno-Bueno, Gema; Hernández, Lucía; Manso, Luis; Homar Ruano, Patricia C.; McCormick, Peter J.; Bibic, Lucka; Bernadó Morales, Cristina; Arribas, Joaquín V. (Vicente); Canals Buj, Meritxell; Casadó, Vicent; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Guzmán, Manuel; Pérez-Gómez, Eduardo; Sánchez Mora, Cristina
15-Dec-2009Useful pharmacological parameters for G-protein-coupled receptor homodimers obtained from competition experiments. Agonist-antagonist binding modulationCasadó, Vicent; Ferrada, Carla; Bonaventura, Jordi; Gracia, Eduard; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Franco Fernández, Rafael