Browsing by Author García Alcaide, Felipe

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Showing results 25 to 25 of 25 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Sep-2017Virological and immunological outcome of treatment interruption in HIV-1-infected subjects vaccinated with MVA-BRosas Umbert, Miriam; Mothe, Beatriz; Noguera Julian, Marc; Bellido, Rocío; Puertas Castro, Ma. Carmen; Carrillo, Jorge; Rodriguez, C.; Pérez Álvarez, Núria; Cobarsi, Patricia; Gómez, Carmen E.; Esteban, Mariano; Jímenez, José Luis; García Alcaide, Felipe; Blanco, Julià; Martínez Picado, Francisco Javier; Paredes, Roger; Brander, Christian