Browsing by Author Gatell, José M.

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Showing results 59 to 71 of 71 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Jul-2012Regional differences in AIDS and non-AIDS related mortality in HIV-positive individuals across Europe and Argentina: the EuroSIDA studyReekie, Joanne; Kowalska, Justyna D.; Karpov, Igor; Rockstroh, Jürgen Kurt; Karlsson, Anders; Rakhmanova, Aza; Horban, Andrzej; Kirk, Ole; Lundgren, Jens D.; Mocroft, Amanda; Gatell, José M.; Miró Meda, José M.; EuroSIDA Study Group
21-Jan-2004Rentabilidad de los exámenes microbiológicos en la autopsia clínica (AC) y su comparación con los del postmortem inmediato (PI) obtenidos mediante punción aspirativa con aguja fina (PAAF)Aranda Sánchez, Miguel José
Nov-2003Reversible mitochondrial respiratory chain impairment during symptomatic hyperlactatemia associated with antiretroviral therapyMiró i Andreu, Òscar; López Moreno, Sònia; Martínez, Esteban; Rodríguez Santiago, Benjamín; Blanco, José L.; Milinkovic, Ana; Miró Meda, José M.; Nunes Martínez, Virginia; Casademont i Pou, Jordi; Gatell, José M.; Cardellach, Francesc
24-Oct-2017Safety and vaccine-induced HIV-1 immune responses in healthy volunteers following a late MVA-B boost 4 years after the last immunizationCrespo Guardo, Alberto; Gómez, Carmen Elena; Díaz Brito, Vicens; Pich, Judit; Arnaiz Gargallo, Juan Alberto; Perdiguero, Beatriz; García Arriaza, Juan; GonzÁlez, Núria; Sorzano, Carlos O. S.; Jiménez, Laura; Jiménez, José Luis; Muñoz Fernández, María Ángeles; Gatell, José M.; Alcamí, José; Esteban, Mariano; López Bernaldo de Quirós, Juan Carlos; García Alcaide, Felipe; Plana Prades, Montserrat; RISVAC02boost study
28-May-2014Severity of cardiovascular disease outcomes among patients with HIV is related to markers of inflammation and coagulationNordell, Anna D.; McKenna, Matthew; Borges, Álvaro H.; Duprez, Daniel; Neuhaus, Jacqueline; Neaton, James D.; Gatell, José M.
2005Staphylococcus lugdunensis infective endocarditis. Description of 10 cases and analysis of native valve, prosthetic valve and pacemaker lead endocarditis clinical profilesAnguera Camós, Ignasi; Rio, Ana del; Miró Meda, José M.; Martínez Lacasa, Javier-Tomás; Marco Reverté, Francesc; Gumá, J. R.; Quaglio, G.; Claramonte, Xavier; Moreno Camacho, Ma. Asunción; Mestres Lucio, Carlos-Alberto; Mauri, E.; Azqueta, Manuel; Benito Hernández, M. Natividad de; García de la Mària, Cristina; Almela, M. (Manel); Jiménez Expósito, María Jesús; Sued, Omar; Lazzari, Elisa de; Gatell, José M.
17-Jul-2015Structured Treatment Interruptions and Low Doses of IL-2 in Patients with Primary HIV Infection. Inflammatory, Virological and Immunological OutcomesSued, Omar; Ambrosioni, Juan; Nicolás, David; Manzardo, Christian; Agüero Santangelo, Fernando; Claramonte, Xavier; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Tuset Creus, Montserrat; Pumarola Suñé, Tomàs; Gallart, Teresa; Gatell, José M.; Miró Meda, José M.
2-Nov-2014The prevalence and predictive value of dipstick urine protein in HIV-positive persons in EuropeMocroft, Amanda; Ryom, Lene; Lapadula, Giuseppe; Reiss, Peter; Blaxhult, Anders; Furrer, Hansjakob; Kutsyna, Galyna; Gatell, José M.; Begovac, Josip; Kirk, Ole; Lundgren, Jens D.
3-Jun-2015Trends in Transmission of Drug Resistance and Prevalence of Non-B Subtypes in Patients with Acute or Recent HIV-1 Infection in Barcelona in the Last 16 Years (1997-2012)Ambrosioni, Juan; Sued, Omar; Nicolás, David; Parera, Marta; López-Diéguez, María; Romero, Anabel; Agüero Santangelo, Fernando; Marcos, Ma. Angeles; Manzardo, Christian; Zamora, Laura; Gómez-Carrillo, Manuel; Gatell, José M.; Pumarola Suñé, Tomàs; Miró Meda, José M.
31-Oct-2005La Tripanosomosi humana africana al focus històric de Quiçama (Angola)Ruiz Postigo, José Antonio
11-Jun-2013Tuberculosis recurrence after completion treatment in a European city: reinfection or relapse?Millet, Joan-Pau; Shaw Perujo, Evelyn; Orcau i Palau, Àngels; Casals, Martí; Miró Meda, José M.; Caylà i Buqueras, Joan A.; Gatell, José M.; Tudó i Vilanova, Griselda; Barcelona Tuberculosis Recurrence Working Group
14-Mar-2013Use of RT-defective HIV virions: new tool to evaluate specific response in chronic asymptomatic HIV-infected individualsCrespo Guardo, Alberto; Álvarez Fernández, Carmen; Arberas, Hodei; García-Pérez, Javier; García Alcaide, Felipe; Bargalló, Manel Enric; Maleno, María José; Gatell, José M.; Mothe, Beatriz; Alcamí, José; Sánchez-Palomino, Sonsoles; Plana Prades, Montserrat
29-Jul-1993Zidovudine in persons with asymptomatic HIV infection and CD4+ cell counts greater than 400 per cubic millimeterCooper, David A.; Gatell, José M.; Kroon, Susanne; Clumeck, Nathan; Millard, Judith; Goebel, Frank-D; Bruun, Johan N.; Stingl, Georg; Melville, Rex L.; González Lahoz, Juan María; Stevens, John W.; Fiddian, A. Paul; Gudiol i Munté, Francesc; Miró Meda, José M.; Mallolas Masferrer, Josep; European-Australian Collaborative Group